Repaints Gaps Trend [ChartPrime] for ThinkOrSwim



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The Gaps Trend - ChartPrime indicator is designed to detect Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) in the market and apply a trailing stop mechanism based on those gaps. It identifies both bullish and bearish gaps and provides traders with a way to manage trades dynamically as gaps appear. The indicator visually highlights gaps and uses the detected momentum to assess trend direction, helping traders identify price imbalances caused by strong buy or sell pressure.


#// Indicator for TOS
#indicator("Gaps Trend [ChartPrime]", overlay = true, max_boxes_count = 500
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 09/2024

input colorBars = no;
input showGapSize = yes;
input FilterGaps = 0.5; #, "Filter Gaps", step = 0.01)
input ShowGapLevels = no; #(false, "Show Gap Levels")
input showTrailingStop = yes; #(true, "", inline = "1", group = "Trailing Stop")
input TrailingStopLength  = 10; #, "Trailing Stop Length", inline = "1", group = "Trailing Stop")

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
DefineGlobalColor("dUP", CreateColor(0, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("dDn", CreateColor(82, 0, 82));
#// Calculate bearish and bullish gap sizes, normalized by the standard deviation
def bearish_gap_size = (low[2] - high) / StDev(low[2] - high, 100);
def bullish_gap_size = (low - high[2]) / StDev(low - high[2], 100);
#// @function Detects Fair Value Gaps (FVG)
#// @returns [bool, float, float] Returns whether FVG is detected and its upper/lower levels
#// Conditions to detect bullish and bearish gaps
def bullish_gap_condition = low > high[2] and high[1] > high[2] and bullish_gap_size > FilterGaps;
def bearish_gap_condition = high < low[2] and low[1] < low[2]   and bearish_gap_size > FilterGaps;

#// Bullish FVG logic
def trend_direction;
def trailing_stop;

def tsHi = highest(high, TrailingStopLength + 1);
def tsLo = lowest(low, TrailingStopLength + 1);

def trendDir = if bullish_gap_condition then 1 else
               if bearish_gap_condition then 0 else trend_direction[1];

def fvg_upper; def fvg_lower; def line; def col; def cond; def gapSize;
if bullish_gap_condition {
    line      = high[2];
    fvg_upper = high[2];
    fvg_lower = low;
    gapSize = Round(bullish_gap_size, 2);
    col = 1;
} else if bearish_gap_condition {
    line      = low[2];
    fvg_upper = low[2];
    fvg_lower = high;
    gapSize = Round(bearish_gap_size, 2);
    col = -1;
    } else {
    line      = if cond[1] then na else line[1];
    fvg_upper = fvg_upper[1];
    fvg_lower = fvg_lower[1];
    gapSize = na;
    col = col[1];
cond = high > fvg_upper and low < fvg_upper;

def trailingStop = if trendDir==1 then tsLo else
                   if trendDir==0 then tsHi else trailing_stop[1];

if trailingStop == low {
    trailing_stop = neg;
    trend_direction = 0;
} else if trailingStop == high {
    trailing_stop = pos;
    trend_direction = 0;
    } else {
    trailing_stop = trailingstop;
    trend_direction = trenddir;
#// Set the trend color based on trailing stop and price position
def trend_color = close > trailing_stop; # ? bull_color : bear_color
def crossesTS   = (close > trailing_stop and close[1] <= trailing_stop[1]) or
                  (close < trailing_stop and close[1] >= trailing_stop[1]);

# -- plots
plot sizeBull = if showGapSize and bullish_gap_condition[-1] then gapSize[-1] else na;
plot sizeBear = if showGapSize and bearish_gap_condition[-1] then gapSize[-1] else na;
plot crosTS = if crossesTS and trailing_stop then trailing_stop else na;
plot ts_plot = if showTrailingStop and trailing_stop then if crossesTS then na else trailing_stop else na;

ts_plot.AssignValueColor(if trend_color then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);
crosTS.AssignValueColor(if trend_color then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);

AddCloud(if (ts_plot!=pos and ts_plot!=neg) then ohlc4 else na, ts_plot, GlobalColor("dUP"), GlobalColor("dDN"));

#-- Lines
def cnt = if bullish_gap_condition then 0 else if bearish_gap_condition then 0 else cnt[1] + 1;
def fvgupper = if cnt[-2] <= 5  then
               if bullish_gap_condition[-6] then lowest(fvg_upper[-6], 5) else highest(fvg_upper[-6], 5) else na;
def fvgLower = if cnt[-2] <= 5  then
               if bullish_gap_condition[-6] then lowest(fvg_lower[-6], 5) else highest(fvg_lower[-6], 5) else na;

plot fvgLine = if ShowGapLevels and !last and line[-1] then line[-1] else na;

fvgLine.AssignValueColor(if col[-1]>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddCloud(fvgLower, fvgupper, Color.CYAN, Color.MAGENTA);

#-- bar color

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
            if (trailing_stop!=pos and trailing_stop!=neg) and trend_direction then color.GREEN else
            if (trailing_stop!=pos and trailing_stop!=neg) and !trend_direction then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
#-- END of CODE
Another Awesome Submission by the great @samer800.

A note for newer traders, who are not familiar with the workings of fair value gap coding.
It does not chart in real time.
To identify the gap, it waits 6 bars into the future and then goes back in time to create the plots that appear on the chart.

While many traders are familiar with the repainters, whose signals are real-time but appear and disappear. The future-bar repainters are a different species. Because it has to wait 6 bars into the future; it has a severe lag.

No Watchlists -- No Alerts -- No Scans.
Because the data has to wait 6 bars into the future; it is not possible to create watchlists, alerts. scans on this script. As ToS widgets are designed to report real-time not future data.

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