Enhanced Wave Trend Oscillator For ThinkOrSwim


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Author states:
The Enhanced WaveTrend Oscillator is a modified version of the original WaveTrend. The WaveTrend indicator is a popular technical analysis tool used to identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market and generate trading signals. The enhanced version addresses certain limitations of the original indicator and introduces additional features for improved analysis and comparison across assets.

The original WaveTrend indicator calculates two lines based on exponential moving averages and their relationship to the asset's price. The first line measures the distance between the asset's price and its EMA, while the second line smooths the first line over a specific period. The result is divided by 0.015 multiplied by the smoothed difference ('d' for reference). The indicator aims to identify overbought and oversold conditions by analyzing the relationship between the two lines.

In the original formula, the rudimentary estimation factor 0.015 times 'd' fails to accommodate for approximately a quarter of the data, preventing the indicator from reaching the traditional stationary levels of +-100. This limitation renders the indicator quantitatively biased, as it relies on the user's subjective adjustment of the levels. The enhanced version replaces this factor with the standard deviation of the asset's price, resulting in improved estimation accuracy and provides a more dynamic and robust outcome, we thereafter multiply the result by 100 to achieve a more traditional oscillation.


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check the below:

#// Indicator for TOS
#// © EliCobra
# indicator("Enhanced WaveTrend Oscillator", "[Ʌ] -‌ 𝗪𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱", false)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2024
declare lower;

input Source  = {"open", "high", "low", "close", "oc2", "hl2", default "hlc3", "ohlc4", "hlcc4"};
input ChannelLength = 10; #, "Channel
input AverageLength = 21; # "Average
input SignalLength  = 4;  # "Signal
input showSignals = yes;
input ReversionThreshold = { default "100" , "125"}; # "Reversion Threshold",
input barColoring = {default "None", "Midline Cross", "Extremities", "Reversions", "Slope"}; # "Bar Coloring"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);

def src;
switch (Source) {
case "open"  :
    src = open;
case "high"  :
    src = high;
case "low"   :
    src = low;
case "close" :
    src = close;
case "oc2"   :
    src = (open + close) / 2;
case "hl2"   :
    src = hl2;
case "ohlc4" :
    src = ohlc4;
case "hlcc4" :
    src = (high + low + 2 * close) / 4;
default      :
    src = hlc3;
def revt;
switch (ReversionThreshold) {
case "125" :
    revt = 125;
default :
    revt = 100;

Script wave {
input src = hlc3;
input clen = 10;
input alen = 21;
input slen = 4;
    def m = ExpAverage(src, clen);
    def d = stdev(src, clen);
    def o = ExpAverage  ((src - m) / d * 100, alen);
    def s = ExpAverage  (o                , slen);
    plot oo = o;
    plot ss = s;
    plot hh = o - s;

def wto = wave(src, ChannelLength, AverageLength, SignalLength).oo;
def wts = wave(src, ChannelLength, AverageLength, SignalLength).ss;
def wth = wave(src, ChannelLength, AverageLength, SignalLength).hh;

def colof = wto > wts;
def colh = if wth > 0 then (if wth > wth[1] then 2 else 1) else (if wth > wth[1] then -1 else -2);

plot w = wto; # "WT"
plot h = wth; # "H"
plot m = if last then na else 0;

w.AssignValueColor(if colof then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);
h.AssignValueColor(if colh== 2 then Color.GREEN else
                   if colh== 1 then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                   if colh==-1 then Color.DARK_RED else
                   if colh==-2 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
#-- cloud
def max = if last then na else 150;
def hh  = if last then na else 125;
def lh  = if last then na else 100;
def min = if last then na else -150;
def ll  = if last then na else -125;
def hl  = if last then na else -100;
def s   = wts; #

AddCloud(max, hh , Color.DARK_ORANGE);
AddCloud(max, lh, Color.DARK_ORANGE);
AddCloud(hl, min , Color.VIOLET);
AddCloud(ll, min, Color.VIOLET);
AddCloud(w , s  , Color.CYAN, Color.MAGENTA);

# signals
def as = (wto Crosses Above wts) and wto < -revt;
def ab = (wto Crosses Below wts) and wto >  revt;
def au = (wto Crosses Above    0);
def ad = (wto Crosses Below    0);
def ax = (wto Crosses Above wts);
def ay = (wto Crosses Below wts);

plot sigDn = if showSignals then if ab then wto + 40 else na else na; # "OB"
plot sigUp = if showSignals then if as then wto - 40 else na else na; # "OS"

#-- bar Color
def col;
Switch (barColoring) {
Case "Midline Cross": col = if wto > 0 then 1 else -1;
Case "Extremities"  : col = if wto > revt then 1 else if wto < -revt then -1 else 0;
Case "Reversions"   : col = if ab then -1 else if as then 1 else 0;
Case "Slope"        : col = if colof then 1 else -1;
Default             : col = 0;

AssignPriceColor(if !col then Color.CURRENT else
                 if col>0 then Color.CYAN else
                 if col<0 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.GRAY);

#-- END of CODE

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