Enhanced Bollinger Bands for ThinkorSwim


Active member
I converted Enhanced Bollinger Bands for ThinkorSwim. https://www.tradingview.com/script/NodNOgsl-Bollinger-Bands/

def src = close;
input length =20;
def sma = average(src, length);
def stdev = stdev(src, length);

plot upper3 = sma + (stdev *3);
Upper3.AssignValueColor(if upper3> upper3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot lower3  = sma - (stdev * 3);
Lower3.AssignValueColor(if lower3> lower3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot upper2 = sma + (stdev * 2);
plot lower2  = sma - (stdev * 2);
plot mid = (upper2 + lower2) / 2;
mid.AssignValueColor(if mid> mid[1] then color.cyan else color.pink);
plot upper1 = sma + (stdev * 1);
plot lower1  = sma - (stdev * 1);

addcloud (upper3, upper2, color.light_red, color.light_red);
addcloud (upper2, upper1, color.lime);
addcloud (upper1, lower1, color.gray);
addcloud (lower1, lower2, color.lime);
addcloud (lower2, lower3, color.light_red, color.light_red);
I converted Enhanced Bollinger Bands for ThinkorSwim. https://www.tradingview.com/script/NodNOgsl-Bollinger-Bands/

def src = close;
input length =20;
def sma = average(src, length);
def stdev = stdev(src, length);

plot upper3 = sma + (stdev *3);
Upper3.AssignValueColor(if upper3> upper3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot lower3  = sma - (stdev * 3);
Lower3.AssignValueColor(if lower3> lower3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot upper2 = sma + (stdev * 2);
plot lower2  = sma - (stdev * 2);
plot mid = (upper2 + lower2) / 2;
mid.AssignValueColor(if mid> mid[1] then color.cyan else color.pink);
plot upper1 = sma + (stdev * 1);
plot lower1  = sma - (stdev * 1);

addcloud (upper3, upper2, color.light_red, color.light_red);
addcloud (upper2, upper1, color.lime);
addcloud (upper1, lower1, color.gray);
addcloud (lower1, lower2, color.lime);
addcloud (lower2, lower3, color.light_red, color.light_red);
Two-length Bollinger Bands for ThinkorSwim
def src = close;
input length =20;
input length_1 = 50;
def sma = average(src, length);
def sma_1 = average(src, length_1);
def stdev = stdev(src, length);
def stdev_1 = stdev(src, length_1);

plot upper3 = sma + (stdev *3);
Upper3.AssignValueColor(if upper3> upper3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot lower3  = sma - (stdev * 3);
Lower3.AssignValueColor(if lower3> lower3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot upper2 = sma + (stdev * 2);
plot lower2  = sma - (stdev * 2);
plot mid = (upper2 + lower2) / 2;
mid.AssignValueColor(if mid> mid[1] then color.cyan else color.pink);
plot upper1 = sma + (stdev * 1);
plot lower1  = sma - (stdev * 1);

addcloud (upper3, upper2, color.light_red, color.light_red);
addcloud (upper2, upper1, color.lime);
addcloud (upper1, lower1, color.gray);
addcloud (lower1, lower2, color.lime);
addcloud (lower2, lower3, color.light_red, color.light_red);

plot upper_3 = sma_1 + (stdev_1 *3);
plot lower_3  = sma_1 - (stdev_1 * 3);
plot upper_2 = sma_1 + (stdev_1 * 2);
plot lower_2  = sma_1 - (stdev_1 * 2);
plot upper_1 = sma_1 + (stdev_1 * 1);
plot lower_1  = sma_1 - (stdev_1 * 1);
I add enhanced Bollinger bands to heikin ashi candles with sequential counts and ichimoku in a lower study.

#Heiken_Ashi based on Sylvan Verboort's Trading with HA Candlestick Oscillator
#Bon Bon _last update Jan 17th 2021
# Ichimoku is from ThinkorSwim
declare lower;
input period = 1;
input hideCandles = no;
input candleSmoothing = {default Valcu, Vervoort};
input show_bubble_labels = yes;
input bubbles = yes;
input arrows = yes;
input tenkan_period = 9;
input kijun_period = 26;
def src = close;
input length =20;
def sma = average(src, length);
def stdev = stdev(src, length);
plot Tenkan = (Highest(high, tenkan_period) + Lowest(low, tenkan_period)) / 2;
plot Kijun = (Highest(high, kijun_period) + Lowest(low, kijun_period)) / 2;
plot "Span A" = (Tenkan[kijun_period] + Kijun[kijun_period]) / 2;
plot "Span B" = (Highest(high[kijun_period], 2 * kijun_period) + Lowest(low[kijun_period], 2 * kijun_period)) / 2;
plot Chikou = close[-kijun_period];

"Span A".SetDefaultColor(GetColor(3));
"Span B".SetDefaultColor(GetColor(4));

DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.RED);
AddCloud("Span A", "Span B", globalColor("Bullish"), globalColor("Bearish"));

#input smoothingLength = 3;

input movingAverageType = {default  TEMA, Exponential, Hull };

def openMA;
def closeMA;
def highMA;
def lowMA;

switch (movingAverageType) {
case Exponential:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(low, period), low);
case Hull:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(low, period), low);
case TEMA:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(low, period), low);



def haOpen;
def haClose;

switch (candleSmoothing){
case Valcu:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);
case Vervoort:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0 ) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);


plot o = haOpen;
o.AssignValueColor(if o > o[1] then Color.cyan else if o < o[1] then Color.magenta else color.gray);
o.SetLineWeight (5);

def haLow =  Min(lowMA, haOpen);
def haHigh = Max(highMA, haOpen);

#Zero Lag System - MetaStock Crossover Formula
#zero-lagging principle
#Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices

#Medium-term price reversals - upward trend

def avg = 34;
def TMA1 = reference TEMA(haClose, avg); # triple exponential moving average (TEMA) of 34 bars
def TMA2 =  reference TEMA(TMA1, avg);
def Diff = TMA1 - TMA2;
def ZlHa = TMA1 + Diff; #Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices - medium term uptrend;

#Medium-term price reversals - downward trend
def TMA1_ = reference TEMA((high + low) / 2, avg);
def Diff2 = TMA1_ - TMA2;
def ZlCl = TMA1_ + Diff2; #Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices - medium term doenwardtrend;

def ZlDif = ZlCl - ZlHa; # Zero-Lag close - Zero-Lag HA(green candle) Uptrend when ZlDif is equal to or greater than zero

#uptrend {green candle}
def keep1 = if (haClose >= haOpen and haClose[1] >= haOpen[1]) then 1 else 0;
def keep2 = if ZlDif >= 0 then 1 else 0;
def keep3 = if (AbsValue(close - open) < ((high - low) * 0.35)) and high >= low[1] then 1 else 0;
def keeping = if (keep1 or keep2) then 1 else 0;
def keepall = if keeping or (keeping[1]) and close >= open or close >= (close[1]) then 1 else 0;

def utr = if keepall or (keepall[1]) and keep3 then 1 else 0;

#downtrend red candle

def keep1_ = if (haClose < haOpen and haClose[1] < haOpen[1]) then 1 else 0;
def keep2_ = if ZlDif < 0 then 1 else 0;
def keep3_ = if (AbsValue(close - open) < ((high - low) * 0.35)) and low <= high[1] then 1 else 0;
def keeping_ = if (keep1_ or keep2_) then 1 else 0;
def dkeepall_ = if keeping_ or (keeping_[1]) and close < open or close < (close[1]) then 1 else 0;

def dtr = if dkeepall_ or (dkeepall_[1] - 1) and keep3_ == 1 then 1 else 0;  #downtrend
def upw = if dtr and (dtr[1]) and utr then 1 else 0;
def dnw = if !utr and (utr[1] ) and dtr then 1 else 0;

def results = if upw then 1 else if dnw then 0 else results[1];

#Change the color of HA and Japanese Candles - turn off to show only HA on chart
#AssignPriceColor(if haClose >= haOpen
             #   then Color.cyan else
            #   if  haClose < haOpen
             #   then Color.magenta else Color.WHITE);

#Heiken_A script

input charttype = ChartType.CANDLE;

def haopen_ = if haClose <= haOpen
              then haOpen + 0
             else Double.NaN;

def HAhi   = if haClose <= haOpen
              then haHigh
              else Double.NaN;

def HAlo =   if haClose <= haOpen
              then haLow
              else Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = Color.red, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT, high = HAhi, low = HAlo, open = haopen_, close = haClose, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def HAclose1 = ohlc4;
def HAopen1  = if haClose >= haOpen
               then CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (open[1] + close[1]) / 2)  
               else Double.NaN;

def haopen_1 = if haOpen <= haClose
               then HAopen1 + 0  else Double.NaN;

def HAhigh1  = haHigh;
def HAlow1   = haLow;

AddChart(growColor = Color.green, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT,  high = HAhigh1, low = HAlow1, open = haopen_1, close = haClose, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def na = double.nan;

def t1 = SequenceCounter()."Buy Formation";
def t2 = SequenceCounter()."Sell Formation";
def t3 = SequenceCounter()."Buy Array";
def t4 = SequenceCounter()."Sell Array";
def t5 = SequenceCounter()."Perfect Buy";
def t6 = SequenceCounter()."Perfect Sell";
def t7 = SequenceCounter()."Perfect Array Buy";
def t8 = SequenceCounter()."Perfect Array Sell";

input show_test_labels = no;
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq1 " + t1, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq2 " + t2, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq3 " + t3, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq4 " + t4, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq5 " + t5, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq6 " + t6, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq7 " + t7, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq8 " + t8, color.cyan);

# t1 - lower white
# t2 - upper white
# t3 - lower red
# t4 - uper red

#  keep 8, 9, and 13 , ignore other numbers
plot u1 = if t1 == 8 or t1 == 9 or t1 == 13 then t1 else na;
plot u2 = if t2 == 8 or t2 == 9 or t2 == 13 then t2 else na;
plot u3 = if t3 == 8 or t3 == 9 or t3 == 13 then t3 else na;
plot u4 = if t4 == 8 or t4 == 9 or t4 == 13 then t4 else na;





plot upper3 = sma + (stdev *3);
Upper3.AssignValueColor(if upper3> upper3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot lower3  = sma - (stdev * 3);
Lower3.AssignValueColor(if lower3> lower3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot upper2 = sma + (stdev * 2);
plot lower2  = sma - (stdev * 2);
plot mid = (upper2 + lower2) / 2;
mid.AssignValueColor(if mid> mid[1] then color.cyan else color.pink);
plot upper1 = sma + (stdev * 1);
plot lower1  = sma - (stdev * 1);

addcloud (upper3, upper2, color.light_red, color.light_red);
addcloud (upper2, upper1, color.lime);
addcloud (upper1, lower1, color.gray);
addcloud (lower1, lower2, color.lime);
addcloud (lower2, lower3, color.light_red, color.light_red);
Two-length Bollinger Bands for ThinkorSwim
def src = close;
input length =20;
input length_1 = 50;
def sma = average(src, length);
def sma_1 = average(src, length_1);
def stdev = stdev(src, length);
def stdev_1 = stdev(src, length_1);

plot upper3 = sma + (stdev *3);
Upper3.AssignValueColor(if upper3> upper3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot lower3  = sma - (stdev * 3);
Lower3.AssignValueColor(if lower3> lower3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot upper2 = sma + (stdev * 2);
plot lower2  = sma - (stdev * 2);
plot mid = (upper2 + lower2) / 2;
mid.AssignValueColor(if mid> mid[1] then color.cyan else color.pink);
plot upper1 = sma + (stdev * 1);
plot lower1  = sma - (stdev * 1);

addcloud (upper3, upper2, color.light_red, color.light_red);
addcloud (upper2, upper1, color.lime);
addcloud (upper1, lower1, color.gray);
addcloud (lower1, lower2, color.lime);
addcloud (lower2, lower3, color.light_red, color.light_red);

plot upper_3 = sma_1 + (stdev_1 *3);
plot lower_3  = sma_1 - (stdev_1 * 3);
plot upper_2 = sma_1 + (stdev_1 * 2);
plot lower_2  = sma_1 - (stdev_1 * 2);
plot upper_1 = sma_1 + (stdev_1 * 1);
plot lower_1  = sma_1 - (stdev_1 * 1);
Can you change this one to 9 and 26 like the ichimoku?
Can you change this one to 9 and 26 like the ichimoku?
You can see the following code of the combined indicator:
input tenkan_period = 9;
input kijun_period = 26;

It contains a full Ichimoku indicator, which you can adjust tenkan (9) and kijun (26) linewidths through the indicator properties.
You can see the following code of the combined indicator:
input tenkan_period = 9;
input kijun_period = 26;

It contains a full Ichimoku indicator, which you can adjust tenkan (9) and kijun (26) linewidths through the indicator properties.
Yeah I saw that I don't necessarily need to see the ichimoku cloud as long I have the ballinger band with one standard two standard and three standard deviation on top and bottom that's all I care for along with the tenken and kijin
Enhanced Bollinger Bands for ThinkorSwim with Slim Ribbon.

#Mr Slim Miller 
#Enhanced Bollinger Bands for ThinkorSwim
input price = close;
input superfast_length = 8;
input fast_length = 13;
input slow_length = 21;
input displace = 0;
def src = close;
input length =20;
def sma = average(src, length);
def stdev = stdev(src, length);
def mov_avg8 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], superfast_length);
def mov_avg13 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], fast_length);
def mov_avg21 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], slow_length);
Plot Superfast = mov_avg8;
plot Fast = mov_avg13;
plot Slow = mov_avg21;
def buy = mov_avg8 > mov_avg13 and mov_avg13 > mov_avg21 and low > mov_avg8;
def stopbuy = mov_avg8 <= mov_avg13;
def buynow = !buy[1] and buy;
def buysignal = CompoundValue(1, if buynow and !stopbuy then 1 else if buysignal[1]==1 and stopbuy then 0 else buysignal[1], 0);
plot Buy_Signal = buysignal[1] == 0 and buysignal==1;
Alert(condition = buysignal[1] == 0 and buysignal == 1, text = "Buy Signal", sound = Sound.Bell, "alert type" = Alert.BAR);
plot Momentum_Down = buysignal[1] ==1 and buysignal==0;
Alert(condition = buysignal[1] == 1 and buysignal == 0, text = "Momentum_Down", sound = Sound.Bell, "alert type" = Alert.BAR);
def sell = mov_avg8 < mov_avg13 and mov_avg13 < mov_avg21 and high < mov_avg8;
def stopsell = mov_avg8 >= mov_avg13;
def sellnow = !sell[1] and sell;
def sellsignal = CompoundValue(1, if sellnow and !stopsell then 1 else if sellsignal[1]==1 and stopsell then 0 else sellsignal[1], 0);
Plot Sell_Signal = sellsignal[1] ==0 and sellsignal;
Alert(condition = sellsignal[1] == 0 and sellsignal == 1, text = "Sell Signal", sound = Sound.Bell, "alert type" = Alert.BAR);
Plot Momentum_Up = sellsignal[1]==1 and sellSignal==0;
Alert(condition = sellsignal[1] == 1 and sellSignal == 0, text = "Momentum_Up", sound = Sound.Bell, "alert type" = Alert.BAR);
plot Colorbars = if buysignal ==1 then 1 else if sellsignal ==1 then 2 else if buysignal ==0 or sellsignal==0 then 3 else 0;
Colorbars.definecolor("Buy_Signal_Bars", color.dark_green);
Colorbars.definecolor("Sell_Signal_Bars", color.red);
Colorbars.definecolor("Neutral", color.yellow);
AssignPriceColor(if Colorbars ==1 then colorbars.color("buy_signal_bars") else if colorbars ==2 then colorbars.color("Sell_Signal_bars") else  colorbars.color("neutral"));
plot upper3 = sma + (stdev *3);
Upper3.AssignValueColor(if upper3> upper3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot lower3  = sma - (stdev * 3);
Lower3.AssignValueColor(if lower3> lower3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot upper2 = sma + (stdev * 2);
plot lower2  = sma - (stdev * 2);
plot mid = (upper2 + lower2) / 2;
mid.AssignValueColor(if mid> mid[1] then color.cyan else color.pink);
plot upper1 = sma + (stdev * 1);
plot lower1  = sma - (stdev * 1);
addcloud (upper3, upper2, color.light_red, color.light_red);
addcloud (upper2, upper1, color.lime);
addcloud (upper1, lower1, color.gray);
addcloud (lower1, lower2, color.lime);
addcloud (lower2, lower3, color.light_red, color.light_red);
Last edited:
Yeah I saw that I don't necessarily need to see the ichimoku cloud as long I have the ballinger band with one standard two standard and three standard deviation on top and bottom that's all I care for along with the tenken and kijin
I removed Ichimuko clouds and kept its three moving averages as you requested.

#Heiken_Ashi based on Sylvan Verboort's Trading with HA Candlestick Oscillator
#Bon Bon _last update Jan 17th 2021
# Ichimoku is from ThinkorSwim
declare lower;
input period = 1;
input hideCandles = no;
input candleSmoothing = {default Valcu, Vervoort};
input show_bubble_labels = yes;
input bubbles = yes;
input arrows = yes;
input tenkan_period = 9;
input kijun_period = 26;
def src = close;
input length =20;
def sma = average(src, length);
def stdev = stdev(src, length);
plot Tenkan = (Highest(high, tenkan_period) + Lowest(low, tenkan_period)) / 2;
plot Kijun = (Highest(high, kijun_period) + Lowest(low, kijun_period)) / 2;

plot Chikou = close[-kijun_period];

input movingAverageType = {default  TEMA, Exponential, Hull };

def openMA;
def closeMA;
def highMA;
def lowMA;

switch (movingAverageType) {
case Exponential:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(low, period), low);
case Hull:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(low, period), low);
case TEMA:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(low, period), low);



def haOpen;
def haClose;

switch (candleSmoothing){
case Valcu:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);
case Vervoort:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0 ) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);


plot o = haOpen;
o.AssignValueColor(if o > o[1] then Color.cyan else if o < o[1] then Color.magenta else color.gray);
o.SetLineWeight (5);

def haLow =  Min(lowMA, haOpen);
def haHigh = Max(highMA, haOpen);

#Zero Lag System - MetaStock Crossover Formula
#zero-lagging principle
#Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices

#Medium-term price reversals - upward trend

def avg = 34;
def TMA1 = reference TEMA(haClose, avg); # triple exponential moving average (TEMA) of 34 bars
def TMA2 =  reference TEMA(TMA1, avg);
def Diff = TMA1 - TMA2;
def ZlHa = TMA1 + Diff; #Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices - medium term uptrend;

#Medium-term price reversals - downward trend
def TMA1_ = reference TEMA((high + low) / 2, avg);
def Diff2 = TMA1_ - TMA2;
def ZlCl = TMA1_ + Diff2; #Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices - medium term doenwardtrend;

def ZlDif = ZlCl - ZlHa; # Zero-Lag close - Zero-Lag HA(green candle) Uptrend when ZlDif is equal to or greater than zero

#uptrend {green candle}
def keep1 = if (haClose >= haOpen and haClose[1] >= haOpen[1]) then 1 else 0;
def keep2 = if ZlDif >= 0 then 1 else 0;
def keep3 = if (AbsValue(close - open) < ((high - low) * 0.35)) and high >= low[1] then 1 else 0;
def keeping = if (keep1 or keep2) then 1 else 0;
def keepall = if keeping or (keeping[1]) and close >= open or close >= (close[1]) then 1 else 0;

def utr = if keepall or (keepall[1]) and keep3 then 1 else 0;

#downtrend red candle

def keep1_ = if (haClose < haOpen and haClose[1] < haOpen[1]) then 1 else 0;
def keep2_ = if ZlDif < 0 then 1 else 0;
def keep3_ = if (AbsValue(close - open) < ((high - low) * 0.35)) and low <= high[1] then 1 else 0;
def keeping_ = if (keep1_ or keep2_) then 1 else 0;
def dkeepall_ = if keeping_ or (keeping_[1]) and close < open or close < (close[1]) then 1 else 0;

def dtr = if dkeepall_ or (dkeepall_[1] - 1) and keep3_ == 1 then 1 else 0;  #downtrend
def upw = if dtr and (dtr[1]) and utr then 1 else 0;
def dnw = if !utr and (utr[1] ) and dtr then 1 else 0;

def results = if upw then 1 else if dnw then 0 else results[1];

#Change the color of HA and Japanese Candles - turn off to show only HA on chart
#AssignPriceColor(if haClose >= haOpen
             #   then Color.cyan else
            #   if  haClose < haOpen
             #   then Color.magenta else Color.WHITE);

#Heiken_A script

input charttype = ChartType.CANDLE;

def haopen_ = if haClose <= haOpen
              then haOpen + 0
             else Double.NaN;

def HAhi   = if haClose <= haOpen
              then haHigh
              else Double.NaN;

def HAlo =   if haClose <= haOpen
              then haLow
              else Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = Color.red, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT, high = HAhi, low = HAlo, open = haopen_, close = haClose, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def HAclose1 = ohlc4;
def HAopen1  = if haClose >= haOpen
               then CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (open[1] + close[1]) / 2) 
               else Double.NaN;

def haopen_1 = if haOpen <= haClose
               then HAopen1 + 0  else Double.NaN;

def HAhigh1  = haHigh;
def HAlow1   = haLow;

AddChart(growColor = Color.green, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT,  high = HAhigh1, low = HAlow1, open = haopen_1, close = haClose, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def na = double.nan;

def t1 = SequenceCounter()."Buy Formation";
def t2 = SequenceCounter()."Sell Formation";
def t3 = SequenceCounter()."Buy Array";
def t4 = SequenceCounter()."Sell Array";
def t5 = SequenceCounter()."Perfect Buy";
def t6 = SequenceCounter()."Perfect Sell";
def t7 = SequenceCounter()."Perfect Array Buy";
def t8 = SequenceCounter()."Perfect Array Sell";

input show_test_labels = no;
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq1 " + t1, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq2 " + t2, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq3 " + t3, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq4 " + t4, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq5 " + t5, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq6 " + t6, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq7 " + t7, color.cyan);
addlabel(show_test_labels , "seq8 " + t8, color.cyan);

# t1 - lower white
# t2 - upper white
# t3 - lower red
# t4 - uper red

#  keep 8, 9, and 13 , ignore other numbers
plot u1 = if t1 == 8 or t1 == 9 or t1 == 13 then t1 else na;
plot u2 = if t2 == 8 or t2 == 9 or t2 == 13 then t2 else na;
plot u3 = if t3 == 8 or t3 == 9 or t3 == 13 then t3 else na;
plot u4 = if t4 == 8 or t4 == 9 or t4 == 13 then t4 else na;





plot upper3 = sma + (stdev *3);
Upper3.AssignValueColor(if upper3> upper3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot lower3  = sma - (stdev * 3);
Lower3.AssignValueColor(if lower3> lower3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot upper2 = sma + (stdev * 2);
plot lower2  = sma - (stdev * 2);
plot mid = (upper2 + lower2) / 2;
mid.AssignValueColor(if mid> mid[1] then color.cyan else color.pink);
plot upper1 = sma + (stdev * 1);
plot lower1  = sma - (stdev * 1);

addcloud (upper3, upper2, color.light_red, color.light_red);
addcloud (upper2, upper1, color.lime);
addcloud (upper1, lower1, color.gray);
addcloud (lower1, lower2, color.lime);
addcloud (lower2, lower3, color.light_red, color.light_red);
A lower study with Fib bands, Heikin Ashi, and Madrid moving averages.

#Heiken_Ashi based on Sylvan Verboort's Trading with HA Candlestick Oscillator
#Bon Bon _last update Jan 17th 2021
# #http://madridjourneyonws.blogspot.com/
declare lower;
input period = 1;
input hideCandles = no;
input candleSmoothing = {default Valcu, Vervoort};
input show_bubble_labels = yes;
input bubbles = yes;
input arrows = yes;
input price = close;

input movingAverageType = {default  TEMA, Exponential, Hull };

def openMA;
def closeMA;
def highMA;
def lowMA;

switch (movingAverageType) {
case Exponential:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, ExpAverage(low, period), low);
case Hull:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, HullMovingAvg(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1,  HullMovingAvg(low, period), low);
case TEMA:
    openMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(open, period), open);
    closeMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(close, period), close);
    highMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(high, period), high);
    lowMA = CompoundValue(1, TEMA(low, period), low);



def haOpen;
def haClose;

switch (candleSmoothing){
case Valcu:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);
case Vervoort:
    haOpen = CompoundValue(1, ( (haOpen[1] + (openMA[1] + highMA[1] + lowMA[1] + closeMA[1]) / 4.0 ) / 2.0), open);
    haClose = ((((openMA + highMA + lowMA + closeMA) / 4.0) + haOpen + Max(highMA, haOpen) + Min(lowMA, haOpen)) / 4.0);


plot o = haOpen;
o.AssignValueColor(if o > o[1] then Color.cyan else if o < o[1] then Color.magenta else color.gray);
o.SetLineWeight (5);

def haLow =  Min(lowMA, haOpen);
def haHigh = Max(highMA, haOpen);

def avg = 34;
def TMA1 = reference TEMA(haClose, avg); # triple exponential moving average (TEMA) of 34 bars
def TMA2 =  reference TEMA(TMA1, avg);
def Diff = TMA1 - TMA2;
def ZlHa = TMA1 + Diff; #Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices - medium term uptrend;

def TMA1_ = reference TEMA((high + low) / 2, avg);
def Diff2 = TMA1_ - TMA2;
def ZlCl = TMA1_ + Diff2; #Zero-lagging TEMA average on closing prices - medium term doenwardtrend;

def ZlDif = ZlCl - ZlHa; # Zero-Lag close - Zero-Lag HA(green candle) Uptrend when ZlDif is equal to or greater than zero

def keep1 = if (haClose >= haOpen and haClose[1] >= haOpen[1]) then 1 else 0;
def keep2 = if ZlDif >= 0 then 1 else 0;
def keep3 = if (AbsValue(close - open) < ((high - low) * 0.35)) and high >= low[1] then 1 else 0;
def keeping = if (keep1 or keep2) then 1 else 0;
def keepall = if keeping or (keeping[1]) and close >= open or close >= (close[1]) then 1 else 0;

def utr = if keepall or (keepall[1]) and keep3 then 1 else 0;

def keep1_ = if (haClose < haOpen and haClose[1] < haOpen[1]) then 1 else 0;
def keep2_ = if ZlDif < 0 then 1 else 0;
def keep3_ = if (AbsValue(close - open) < ((high - low) * 0.35)) and low <= high[1] then 1 else 0;
def keeping_ = if (keep1_ or keep2_) then 1 else 0;
def dkeepall_ = if keeping_ or (keeping_[1]) and close < open or close < (close[1]) then 1 else 0;

def dtr = if dkeepall_ or (dkeepall_[1] - 1) and keep3_ == 1 then 1 else 0;  #downtrend
def upw = if dtr and (dtr[1]) and utr then 1 else 0;
def dnw = if !utr and (utr[1] ) and dtr then 1 else 0;

def results = if upw then 1 else if dnw then 0 else results[1];

input charttype = ChartType.CANDLE;

def haopen_ = if haClose <= haOpen
              then haOpen + 0
             else Double.NaN;

def HAhi   = if haClose <= haOpen
              then haHigh
              else Double.NaN;

def HAlo =   if haClose <= haOpen
              then haLow
              else Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = Color.red, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT, high = HAhi, low = HAlo, open = haopen_, close = haClose, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def HAclose1 = ohlc4;
def HAopen1  = if haClose >= haOpen
               then CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (open[1] + close[1]) / 2)
               else Double.NaN;

def haopen_1 = if haOpen <= haClose
               then HAopen1 + 0  else Double.NaN;

def HAhigh1  = haHigh;
def HAlow1   = haLow;

AddChart(growColor = Color.green, neutralColor = Color.CURRENT,  high = HAhigh1, low = HAlow1, open = haopen_1, close = haClose, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

def src = close;
input length =20;
def sma = average(src, length);
def stdev = stdev(src, length);

plot upper3 = sma + (stdev *3);
Upper3.AssignValueColor(if upper3> upper3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot lower3  = sma - (stdev * 3);
Lower3.AssignValueColor(if lower3> lower3[1] then color.green else color.red);
plot upper2 = sma + (stdev * 2);
plot lower2  = sma - (stdev * 2);
plot mid = (upper2 + lower2) / 2;
mid.AssignValueColor(if mid> mid[1] then color.cyan else color.pink);
plot upper1 = sma + (stdev * 1);
plot lower1  = sma - (stdev * 1);
addcloud (upper3, upper2, color.light_red, color.light_red);
addcloud (upper2, upper1, color.lime);
addcloud (upper1, lower1, color.gray);
addcloud (lower1, lower2, color.lime);
addcloud (lower2, lower3, color.light_red, color.light_red);
plot ma05 = ExpAverage(price, 5);
plot ma10 = ExpAverage(price, 10);
plot ma15 = ExpAverage(price, 15);
plot ma20 = ExpAverage(price, 20);
plot ma25 = ExpAverage(price, 25);
plot ma30 = ExpAverage(price, 30);
plot ma35 = ExpAverage(price, 35);
plot ma40 = ExpAverage(price, 40);
plot ma45 = ExpAverage(price, 45);
plot ma50 = ExpAverage(price, 50);
plot ma55 = ExpAverage(price, 55);
plot ma60 = ExpAverage(price, 60);
plot ma65 = ExpAverage(price, 65);
plot ma70 = ExpAverage(price, 70);
plot ma75 = ExpAverage(price, 75);
plot ma80 = ExpAverage(price, 80);
plot ma85 = ExpAverage(price, 85);
plot ma90 = ExpAverage(price, 90);
plot ma95 = ExpAverage(price, 95);
plot ma100 = ExpAverage(price, 100);
ma05.AssignValueColor( if ma05 >= ma05[1] and ma05>ma100 then color.Green  else if ma05 < ma05[1] and ma05>ma100 then color.Dark_red else if ma05<= ma05[1] and ma05 <ma100 then color.red else if ma05 >= ma05[1] and ma05 < ma100 then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma10.AssignValueColor(if ma10 >= ma10[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma10 < ma10[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma10<= ma10[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma10 >= ma10[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma15.AssignValueColor(if ma15 >= ma15[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma15 < ma15[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma15<= ma15[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma15 >= ma15[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma20.AssignValueColor(if ma20 >= ma20[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma20 < ma20[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma20<= ma20[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma20 >= ma20[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma25.AssignValueColor(if ma25 >= ma25[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma25 < ma25[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma25<= ma25[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma25 >= ma25[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma30.AssignValueColor(if ma30 >= ma30[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma30 < ma30[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma30<= ma30[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma30 >= ma30[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma35.AssignValueColor(if ma35 >= ma35[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma35 < ma35[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma35<= ma35[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma35 >= ma35[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma40.AssignValueColor(if ma40 >= ma40[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma40 < ma40[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma40<= ma40[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma40 >= ma40[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma45.AssignValueColor(if ma45 >= ma45[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma45 < ma45[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma45<= ma45[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma45 >= ma45[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma50.AssignValueColor(if ma50 >= ma50[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma50 < ma50[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma50<= ma50[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma50 >= ma50[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma55.AssignValueColor(if ma55 >= ma55[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma55 < ma55[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma55<= ma55[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma55 >= ma55[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma60.AssignValueColor(if ma60 >= ma60[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma60 < ma60[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma60<= ma60[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma60 >= ma60[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma65.AssignValueColor(if ma65 >= ma65[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma65 < ma65[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma65<= ma65[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma65 >= ma65[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma70.AssignValueColor(if ma70 >= ma70[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma70 < ma70[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma70<= ma70[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma70 >= ma70[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma75.AssignValueColor(if ma75 >= ma75[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma75 < ma75[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma75<= ma75[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma75 >= ma75[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma80.AssignValueColor(if ma80 >= ma80[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma80 < ma80[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma80<= ma80[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma80 >= ma80[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma85.AssignValueColor(if ma85 >= ma85[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma85 < ma85[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma85<= ma85[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma85 >= ma85[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma90.AssignValueColor(if ma90 >= ma90[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma90 < ma90[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma90<= ma90[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma90 >= ma90[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma95.AssignValueColor(if ma95 >= ma95[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma95 < ma95[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma95<= ma95[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma95 >= ma95[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);

ma100.AssignValueColor(if ma100 >= ma100[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Green  else if ma100 < ma100[1] and ma05>ma100
then color.Dark_red else if ma100<= ma100[1] and ma05 <ma100
then color.red else if ma100 >= ma100[1] and ma05 < ma100
then color.Dark_green else color.gray);
WOW I really like it - Many Thanks

How can I get this in a scan? Based on the Buy Single's from the Chart

Let me please ask you something else, all these marks (Buy/Sell Singles) are REPAINTING?
Last edited by a moderator:
There are not buy and sell marks. The indicators in a lower study include moving averages, Heiken Ashi candles, and Fib bands.

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