input count_window_length = 100;
def condition = if close crosses above MovAvgExponential(length = 9) then 1 else 0;
def counter = sum(condition, count_window_length);
def condition = if close crosses above MovAvgExponential(length = 9) then 1 else 0;
def counter = if condition == 1 then counter[1] + 1 else counter[1];
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Have you found the answer?How would you count the number of times a conditon is met across timeframes? Example: Count the number of times MACD Crosses zero (only the most recent crosses) on the Daily, 3 Day and Weekly aggregations? Is this possible? Thanks.
Not yet. @samer800 can you suggest an approach?Have you found the answer?
Thank you HODL-Lay-HE-hoo! I appreciate your help.Input lookbacklength = 30;
Def condition = x;
def cross_lookback = fold index1 = 1 to lookbacklength with x1 do x1 + condition[index1];
Will store the number of times condition was met within the length.
How would you count the number of times a conditon is met across timeframes? Example: Count the number of times MACD Crosses zero (only the most recent crosses) on the Daily, 3 Day and Weekly aggregations? Is this possible? Thanks.
I'm really only looking to count the most recent occurence of, say the MACD Crossing across aggregations. I want to know how many aggregations had a MACD crossing within an editable window of 2 or 3 (or more) bars. So I have 4 aggregations: 4 Hour, Daily, 3 Day and Weekly. How many MACD crossings occurred across the time frames (but only looking at the most recent crossing on each. I only need to count 1 event per aggregation. Is that doable? Thanks!
Code:script m { input aggregationperiod = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN; input lookbacklength = 3; input fastLength = 12; input slowLength = 26; input MACDLength = 9; input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL; def Value = MovingAverage(averageType, close(period = aggregationperiod), fastLength) - MovingAverage(averageType, close(period = aggregationperiod), slowLength); def Avg = MovingAverage(averageType, Value, MACDLength); def Diff = Value - Avg; def condition = Crosses(Diff, 0, CrossingDirection.ANY); plot cross_lookback = Sum(condition, lookbacklength); } input lookbacklength = 6; AddLabel(1, "4hr: " + m(aggregationperiod = "FOUR_HOURS", lookbacklength = lookbacklength),color.white); AddLabel(1, "1D: " + m(aggregationperiod = "DAY", lookbacklength = lookbacklength),color.white); AddLabel(1, "3D: " + m(aggregationperiod = "THREE_DAYS", lookbacklength = lookbacklength),color.white); AddLabel(1, "W: " + m(aggregationperiod = "WEEK", lookbacklength = lookbacklength),color.white); input showvertical = yes; def lastbar = highestall(if isnan(close[-1]) then barnumber() else 0); addverticalLine(showvertical and barnumber() == lastbar - lookbacklength + 1); #
This is great! Thank you @SleepyZ . My set up has the aggs horizontally, and I need to get a total of the MACD Crossings in the watchlist column. Can you suggest how I can count them using what you've built? Maybe keep a running count, using +1 for an Up crossing and -1 for a down crossing, then placing the total in the watchlist column? Then I can sort by that column to see potential calls/puts in order of probability. I don't rely on any one indicator but this will be useful.
There's a method to my madness. When there are a higher number of up (or down) crossings that happen near-simultaneously, the move lasts longer (I do swing trading). This is due to more support at the beginning of the price move.
I attached my chart so you can see what I mean. Notice the confluence of indicators across the 4 aggs. This is CAT on June 1st. It showed a great setup for a Call that day.
Thanks again for your help.
Thanks! I'll check it out.Try this link that may have a watchlist setup with columns how you might want
View attachment 20034
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