Chandelier Exit ZLSMA For ThinkOrSwim

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I really just need the indicator, not the whole strategy. Thanks for any help provided.
check the below

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © simwai
#indicator('Chandelier Exit ZLSMA', shorttitle='CE_ZLSMA', overlay=true)
# request from member.
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2023
#// -- Colors --
DefineGlobalColor("rajah", CreateColor(242, 166, 84));# // orange
DefineGlobalColor("magicMint", CreateColor(171, 237, 198));
DefineGlobalColor("languidLavender", CreateColor(232, 215, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("mediumAquamarine", CreateColor(104, 223, 153));
DefineGlobalColor("carrotOrange", CreateColor(239, 146, 46));

#// -- Inputs --
input ColorInTradeBars = yes;
input source = ohlc4;
input atrLength = 1;                # 'ATR Period'
input atrMultiplier = 2.0;          # 'ATR Multiplier'
input showBuySellLabels = no;       # 'Show Buy/Sell Labels ?'
input isSignalLabelEnabled = yes;   # 'Show Signal Labels ?'
input PriceForExtremums = {default "Close Price", "High/Low Price"};   #'Use Close Price for Extremums ?'
input zlsmaLineColor = no;          # 'Enable Rising/Decreasing Highlightning'
input zlsmaLength = 50;             # 'length'
input offset = 0;                   # 'Offset'

def na = Double.NaN;
#pine_linreg(src, len, offset=0) =>
Script linreg {
input src = close;
input len = 100;
input offset = 0;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def bar_index = isNaN(close);
    def x_sum = if bar_index then na else
                fold i = 0 to len with p do
                 p + i;
    def xx_sum = if bar_index then na else
                fold ii = 0 to len with pp do
                 pp + ii * ii;
    def y_sum = sum(src, len);
    def xy_sum = fold j = 0 to len with q do
                  q  + j * GetValue(src, len - j - 1);
    def slope = (len * xy_sum - x_sum * y_sum) / (len * xx_sum - x_sum * x_sum);
    def intercept = (y_sum - slope * x_sum) / len;
    def linreg = intercept + slope * (len - offset - 1);
    plot out = linreg;
#// -- CE - Credits to @everget --
def haClose = source[1];#1 / 4 * ohlc;
def nATR = ATR(Length = atrLength);
def atr = atrMultiplier * nATR[1];
def srcHi;
def srcLo;
switch (PriceForExtremums) {
case  "Close Price" :
    srcHi = Highest(haClose, atrLength);
    srcLo = Lowest(haClose, atrLength);
case "High/Low Price" :
    srcHi = Highest(high[1], atrLength);
    srcLo = Lowest(low[1], atrLength);
def longStop;
def longStop_ = srcHi - atr;
def longStopPrev = if longStop[1] == 0 then longStop_ else longStop[1];
longStop = if haClose > longStopPrev then Max(longStop_, longStopPrev) else longStop_;
def shortStop;
def shortStop_ = srcLo + atr;
def shortStopPrev = if shortStop[1] == 0 then shortStop_ else shortStop[1];
shortStop = if haClose < shortStopPrev then Min(shortStop_, shortStopPrev) else shortStop_;

def dir = if dir[1] == 0 then 1 else
          if haClose > shortStopPrev then 1 else if haClose < longStopPrev then -1 else dir[1];
def buySignal = dir == 1 and dir[1] == -1;
def sellSignal = dir == -1 and dir[1] == 1;

AddChartBubble(buySignal and showBuySellLabels, longStop, "Buy", GlobalColor("mediumAquamarine"), no);
AddChartBubble(sellSignal and showBuySellLabels, shortStop, "Sell", GlobalColor("carrotOrange"), yes);

def changeCond = dir != dir[1];
#// -- ZLSMA - Credits to @netweaver2011 --
def lsma  = linreg(haClose, zlsmaLength, offset);
def lsma2 = linreg(lsma, zlsmaLength, offset);
def eq = lsma - lsma2;
def zlsma = lsma + eq;

def zColor = if zlsmaLineColor then if zlsma > zlsma[1] then 1 else -1 else 0;
plot zlsmaLine = zlsma;    # 'ZLSMA'
zlsmaLine.AssignValueColor( if zColor>0 then GlobalColor("magicMint") else
                            if zColor<0 then GlobalColor("rajah") else GlobalColor("languidLavender"));

#// -- Signals --
def enterLong;def enterShort; def signalCache;def signalCachei;
def isTradeOpen;def enterLong_;def enterShort_;def exitShort_;def exitLong_;

def enterLongi  = buySignal  and (haClose Crosses Above zlsma);
def enterShorti = sellSignal and (haClose Crosses Below zlsma);
def exitLongi   = (source < zlsma) and (haClose >= zlsma[1]);
def exitShorti  = (source > zlsma) and (haClose <= zlsma[1]);

def exitLong =  exitLongi;
def exitShort = exitShorti;

if (signalCache[1] == 1) {
    signalCachei = 0;
    enterLong = yes;
    enterShort = enterShorti;
    } else
if (signalCache[1] == -1) {
    signalCachei = 0;
    enterLong = enterLongi;
    enterShort = yes;
} else {
    signalCachei = signalCache[1];
    enterLong  = enterLongi;
    enterShort = enterShorti;

if (isTradeOpen[1] == 0) {
    if (exitShort and !enterLong) {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = no;
    } else
    if (exitLong and !enterShort) {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = no;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
    if (enterLong and exitShort) {
        isTradeOpen = 1;
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = no;
    } else
    if (enterShort and exitLong) {
        isTradeOpen = -1;
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = no;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
    if (enterLong) {
        isTradeOpen = 1;
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
    if (enterShort) {
        isTradeOpen = -1;
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
if (isTradeOpen[1] == 1) {
    if (exitShort) {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = no;
    } else
    if (enterLong) {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = no;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
    if (enterShort and exitLong) {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = -1;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = no;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
    if (exitLong) {
        isTradeOpen = 0;
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
if (isTradeOpen[1] == -1) {
    if (exitLong) {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = no;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
    if (enterShort) {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = no;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
    if (enterLong and exitShort) {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = 1;
        enterLong_  = no;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else
    if (exitShort) {
        isTradeOpen = 0;
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;
    } else {
        isTradeOpen = isTradeOpen[1];
        signalCache = signalCachei;
        enterLong_  = enterLong;
        enterShort_ = enterShort;
        exitLong_   = exitLong;
        exitShort_  = exitShort;

plot longExit = if isSignalLabelEnabled and exitLong_ then zlsma else na;
plot shortExit = if isSignalLabelEnabled and exitShort_ then zlsma else na;

AddChartBubble(isSignalLabelEnabled and enterLong_, zlsma, "L",GlobalColor("mediumAquamarine"), no);
AddChartBubble(isSignalLabelEnabled and enterShort_, zlsma, "S", GlobalColor("carrotOrange"), yes);

AssignPriceColor(if !ColorInTradeBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if isTradeOpen == 1 then GlobalColor("mediumAquamarine") else
                 if isTradeOpen == -1 then GlobalColor("carrotOrange") else Color.CURRENT);

#-- END of CODE
@samer800 I use the ZLSMA line from your code above, by itself as an indicator. How can I create a scan for when the ZLSMA line changes color? I'd like to use a single scan to detect any color change of the line, rather than a scan for long and another scan for short. Please help me out with this one! Thanks.
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