Can't See Manual Drawing On All Charts?



I have 3 charts on flexigrid. If i draw support lines one of them, it doesnot show on other charts in the same grid. i have application level crosshair setting checked. Is this how it works ? Please let me know. thank you

I drew white line on left chart , it didnot reflect on 2 side charts.
here is the link for flex grid!5BHbBWZt
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Are they on the same drawing set?

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I have 3 charts on flexigrid. If i draw support lines one of them, it doesnot show on other charts in the same grid. i have application level crosshair setting checked. Is this how it works ? Please let me know. thank you

I drew white line on left chart , it didnot reflect on 2 side charts.
here is the link for flex grid!5BHbBWZt
The manual lines will auto populate the related symbol grids as you want if synchronize is selected in chart settings.
Here is your flexible grid with the manual line drawn on the left chart and it automatically appears on the other two charts with the synchronize box checked in chart settings.
Your grid did not likely do this as the 2 charts to the right had an error message as shown in the upper left corners of the those charts. Correct this and the lines should appear.
Make sure that the 1m charts line is long enougn to be visible on the higher timeframes.
Likewise, make sure you have those other two higher timeframes zoomed out so that the 1m one's line will appear.


  • Screenshot 2024-06-19 170423.png
    Screenshot 2024-06-19 170423.png
    82.2 KB · Views: 54
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Chart, as in symbol, or as in any individual chart regardless? They should sync among the same symbol, like with a multiple time frame grid of the same symbol for example. Mine do. I can not remember or locate the exact setting, there might not even be one. Searching for it mainly reveals people struggling with turning it off rather than on. It appears to be primarily based on the drawing set.

The shared image appears to be the same symbol, and the same drawing set.

I have no idea what this is though, I've never seen it before.
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The manual lines will auto populate the related symbol grids as you want if synchronize is selected in chart settings.
Here is your flexible grid with the manual line drawn on the left chart and it automatically appears on the other two charts with the synchronize box checked in chart settings.

Your grid did not likely do this as the 2 charts to the right had an error message as shown in the upper left corners of the those charts. Correct this and the lines should appear.
Make sure that the 1m charts line is long enough to be visible on the higher timeframes.
Likewise, make sure you have those other two higher timeframes zoomed out so that the 1m one's line will appear.
It worked after correcting the error message. custom script was loaded twice and i removed it. thank you so much.
Just out of curiosity, what did the error message actually say? You should be able to load the same script as many times as you want. Usually it's pointless, but it shouldn't cause an error either. Study errors do not affect drawings on my end.

Just out of curiosity, what did the error message actually say? You should be able to load the same script as many times as you want. Usually it's pointless, but it shouldn't cause an error either. Study errors do not affect drawings on my end.

the error message said, script was trying to color the same candle twice.
the error message said, script was trying to color the same candle twice.

Drawings still sync on my end with that error in place. But since you've worked it out anyway, I suppose there's no reason to drag this on any further. Thanks for the info.

Drawings still sync on my end with that error in place. But since you've worked it out anyway, I suppose there's no reason to drag this on any further. Thanks for the info.

i have it on another grid as well but after cheking one of the chart it was working. even i was wondering what could be the actual reason.

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