Candle price move


New member
I've been using a script to display the range of the candle body. I was trying ( with no success) to make input to display "Green Candles", "Red Candles", or "Both".

Also I want an input to include/exclude wicks.

# Candle Price Move
plot Number = close - open;
input AveragePriceMove = 0;
Number.AssignValueColor(if (close - open) > 0 then CreateColor(13, 183, 135) else CreateColor(220, 31, 78));

Any ideas?

I'm working on this script but having trouble figuring somethings out. This script displays a bubble with candle body ranges. There is an input to select how many bars back to display.

input showbubble = yes;
input bubblemoversideways = 0;
input bubblemoverupdown = .01;

def b = bubblemoversideways;
def b1 = b + 1;
def CandleRange = Round(high[0] - low[0]);

AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[-10]) and !IsNaN(close), high+bubblemoverupdown, CandleRange, if close > open then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.LIGHT_RED);

I want to only show bubbles with certain candle body range.
Maybe a few input fields (to turn on/off) to input ranges?

Input 1 = Show/color Bubbles only if the body range is between .05 and .08.
Input 2 = Show/color Bubbles only if the body range is between .12 and .20.

...or maybe just if >.05, and another >.15, etc?

Any ideas?


Hi all. I was trying to make it so that this only displays if the candle body equal a specific number. Displaying all values is clutter.

I tried this as i have done with bubles but it doesn't work.

plot Data = if (BodyHeight()) == .05 then 1 else 0;

Any ideas?

I've been wanting to paint bars, but i can't seem to get it too work, same with turning off or hiding a feature such as label or bubble.

When adding...
input paintbar = yes;
input showbubble = yes;
I don't get how it works if there is no direct reference to what it's supposed to control.

Can you advice please? Thanks.
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I've been using a script to display the range of the candle body. I was trying ( with no success) to make input to display "Green Candles", "Red Candles", or "Both".

Also I want an input to include/exclude wicks.

# Candle Price Move
plot Number = close - open;
input AveragePriceMove = 0;
Number.AssignValueColor(if (close - open) > 0 then CreateColor(13, 183, 135) else CreateColor(220, 31, 78));

Any ideas?

I'm working on this script but having trouble figuring somethings out. This script displays a bubble with candle body ranges. There is an input to select how many bars back to display.

I want to only show bubbles with certain candle body range.
Maybe a few input fields (to turn on/off) to input ranges?

Input 1 = Show/color Bubbles only if the body range is between .05 and .08.
Input 2 = Show/color Bubbles only if the body range is between .12 and .20.

...or maybe just if >.05, and another >.15, etc?

Any ideas?


Hi all. I was trying to make it so that this only displays if the candle body equal a specific number. Displaying all values is clutter.

I tried this as i have done with bubles but it doesn't work.

Any ideas?

I've been wanting to paint bars, but i can't seem to get it too work, same with turning off or hiding a feature such as label or bubble.

When adding...


I don't get how it works if there is no direct reference to what it's supposed to control.

Can you advice please? Thanks.

Edit: Fixed Red option 07/16 changed to: and (close - open) < 0

This should do what you are trying to accomplish

1. You can choose to display both colors of candles or just the green or red
2. If you choose Green or Red, then to hide the candles not selected, those are colored the same color as the chart background. In the image, it is in the assignpriceccolor() code.
3. If you choose input pricecolor == no then just normal price coloring (color.current) will be used.

1. Only bubbles meeting the showbubbles == yes and body_height_range will be displayed
2. The body_height_range is controlled by the max/min inputs. If you want a particular range, then set the min/max to the same amount
3. If you choose showbubbles == no, then no bubbles will display
4.There are 2 addchartbubbles, one for color.light_grren and one for color._light_red
4a. If the Candle_Display is Both or Green then the color.light_green
4b. If the Candle_Display is Both or Red then the color.light_red

The image shows the colors and bubbles displayed
1. The top is Candle_Display == Both
2. The middle is Candle_Display == Green
3. The bottom is Candle_Display == Red

Screenshot 2024-07-15 091910.png
# Candle Price Move
input candle_display = {default Both, Green, Red};
input pricecolor = yes;
if !pricecolor or candle_display==candle_display.both then color.current
else if and (close - open) >= 0 then CreateColor(13, 183, 135)
else if and (close - open) < 0  then CreateColor(220, 31, 78)

input bodyheight_max = .08;
input bodyheight_min = .03;
def body_height_range = between(bodyHeight(), bodyheight_min, bodyheight_max);

input showbubble = yes;
input bubblemoverupdown = .01;

showbubble and (candle_display==candle_display.both or and close>=open and body_height_range,
showbubble and (candle_display==candle_display.both or and close<open and body_height_range,

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