Creator Message:
On contrary to reversal mindset, we define trend when price hits either side of the band. If close price hits upper band then it is considered as bullish and if close price hits lower band, then it is considered bearish . Further, trend strength is measured in terms of how many times the price hits one side of the band without hitting other side. Hit is counted only if price has touched middle line in between the touches. This way price walks on the bands are considered as just one hit.
#indicator("Band Based Trend Filter") by HeWhoMustNotBeNamed
#Converted and mod by Sam4COK @ Samer800 - 01/2023
declare lower;
input BarColor = no;
input useChartTimeframe = yes;
input HigherTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
input bandType = {default BB, KC, DC};
#input BandSource = close;
input BandMovAvg = {default SMA, EMA, HMA, RMA, WMA, VWMA, SWMA, Linreg, Median};
input BandLength = 20;
input BandMultiplier = 3.0;
input KCTrueRange = yes; # "Use True Range (KC)"
input DCAlternateSource = no; # "Use Alternate Source (DC)"
input sticky = yes; # "Sticky"
input trendConfirmationCount = 3;
def na = Double.NaN;
script nz {
input data = close;
input replacement = 0;
def ret_val = if !IsNaN(data) then data else replacement;
plot return = ret_val;
def ctf;def htf; def ltf; def vtf;def ctf1;
if useChartTimeframe {
ctf = close;
ctf1 = close[1];
htf = high;
ltf = low;
vtf = volume;
} else {
ctf = nz(close(Period=HigherTimeframe), close);
ctf1 = nz(close(Period=HigherTimeframe)[1], close[1]);
htf = nz(high(Period=HigherTimeframe), high);
ltf = nz(low(Period=HigherTimeframe), low);
vtf = nz(volume(Period=HigherTimeframe), volume);
def isrealtime = isNaN(ctf) and !isNaN(ctf1);
def indexHighTF = if isrealtime then ctf1 else ctf;
script indexCurrTF {
input data = close;
input ctf = close;
def isrealtime = isNaN(ctf) and !isNaN(ctf[1]);
def indexCurrTF = if isrealtime then data else data[1];
plot return = indexCurrTF;
script swma {
input x = close;
def swma = x[3] * 1 / 6 + x[2] * 2 / 6 + x[1] * 2 / 6 + x[0] * 1 / 6;
plot return = swma;
#ma(type, source, length) =>
script ma {
input type = "SMA";
input source = close;
input length = 20;
input vtf = volume;
def VWMA = SimpleMovingAvg(source * vtf, length) / SimpleMovingAvg(vtf, length);
def ma;
ma = if type == "SMA" then SimpleMovingAvg(source, length) else
if type == "EMA" then ExpAverage(source, length) else
if type == "HMA" then HullMovingAvg(source, length) else
if type == "RMA" then WildersAverage(source, length) else
if type == "WMA" then WMA(source, length) else
if type == "VWMA" then VWMA else
if type == "SWMA" then SWMA(source) else
if type == "Linreg" then Inertia(source, length) else
if type == "Median" then Median(source, length) else Double.NaN;
plot result = ma;
#getStickyRange(highsource, lowsource, upper, lower, sticky=false)=>
script getStickyRange {
input highsource = high;
input lowsource = low;
input upper = high;
input lower = low;
input sticky = no;
def newUpper;
def newLower;
newUpper = if isNaN(newUpper[1]) then upper else
if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
then upper else nz(newUpper[1], upper);
newLower = if isNaN(newLower[1]) then lower else
if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
then lower else nz(newLower[1], lower);
plot UpBand = newUpper;
plot LoBand = newLower;
#### BB
def sDev = stdev(indexHighTF,BandLength);
def BBMid = ma(BandMovAvg, indexHighTF, BandLength, vtf);
def BBup = BBMid + BandMultiplier * sDev;
def BBlo = BBMid - BandMultiplier * sDev;
def BBupper = getStickyRange(htf, ltf, BBup, BBlo, sticky).Upband;
def Blower = getStickyRange(htf, ltf, BBup, BBlo, sticky).Loband;
def Bupper = Bupper;
def BBlower = Blower;
def BBmiddle = BBMid;
##### KC
def tr = TrueRange(htf,ctf,ltf);
def mid = ma(BandMovAvg, indexHighTF, BandLength, vtf);
def span = if KCTrueRange then tr else (htf - ltf);
def KCrange = ma(BandMovAvg, span, BandLength);
def KCUp = mid + KCrange * BandMultiplier;
def KClo = mid - KCrange * BandMultiplier;
def KCnewUpper = getStickyRange(htf, ltf, KCUp, KClo, sticky).Upband;
def KCnewLower = getStickyRange(htf, ltf, KCUp, KClo, sticky).Loband;
def KCupper = KCnewUpper;
def KClower = KCnewLower;
def KCmiddle = mid;
##### DC
def highSource = if DCAlternateSource then ctf else htf;
def lowSource = if DCAlternateSource then ctf else ltf;
def DCupp = Highest(highSource, BandLength);
def DClow = Lowest(lowSource, BandLength);
def DCnewUpper = getStickyRange(highSource, lowSource, DCupp, DClow, sticky).UpBand;
def DCnewLower = getStickyRange(highSource, lowSource, DCupp, DClow, sticky).LoBand;
def DCmid = (DCnewUpper + DCnewLower) / 2;
def DCupper = DCnewUpper;
def DClower = DCnewLower;
def DCmiddle = DCmid;
### Bands
def upper;
def lower;
def middle;
if bandType == bandType.BB
then {
upper = indexCurrTF(BBupper, ctf);
lower = indexCurrTF(BBlower, ctf);
middle = indexCurrTF(BBmiddle, ctf);
} else
if bandType == bandType.KC
then {
upper = indexCurrTF(KCupper, ctf);
lower = indexCurrTF(KClower, ctf);
middle = indexCurrTF(KCmiddle, ctf);
} else
if bandType == bandType.DC
then {
upper = indexCurrTF(DCupper, ctf);
lower = indexCurrTF(DClower, ctf);
middle = indexCurrTF(DCmiddle, ctf);
} else
upper = na;
lower = na;
middle = na;
def CrossUp = ctf > middle;
def Up = if CrossUp then nz(Up[1]) + 1 else 0;
def CrossDn = ctf < middle;
def Dn = if CrossDn then nz(Dn[1]) + 1 else 0;
def flag;
flag = nz(flag[1],1) or Up==1 or Dn==1;
def uptrendCount;
def downtrendCount;
def closeAboveTop = ctf >= upper;
def closeBelowBottom = ctf <= lower;
if(flag) {
if(closeAboveTop) {
downtrendCount = 0;
uptrendCount = nz(uptrendCount[1]) + 1;
} else
if(closeBelowBottom) {
uptrendCount = 0;
downtrendCount = nz(downtrendCount[1]) + 1;
} else {
downtrendCount = nz(downtrendCount[1]);
uptrendCount = nz(uptrendCount[1]);}
} else {
downtrendCount = nz(downtrendCount[1]);
uptrendCount = nz(uptrendCount[1]);
def trend = if uptrendCount >= trendConfirmationCount then 1 else
if downtrendCount >= trendConfirmationCount then -1 else 0;
plot uptrend = if isNaN(close) then na else uptrendCount; # "uptrend"
plot downtrend = if isNaN(close) then na else downtrendCount; # "downtrend"
AddCloud(uptrend, downtrend, Color.DARK_GREEN, COLOR.DARK_RED);
AssignPriceColor(if BarColor then if trend > 0 then Color.GREEN else
if trend < 0 then Color.RED else color.GRAY else Color.CURRENT);
##### END
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