Almost Autotrade


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I have my own strategy which sends me sms alert. Is there service or something which can trigger trade using my sms alert information? I mostly trade in futures and stock options.

Any suggestions or direction you can provide will be greatly appreciated. 🙏
As discussed elsewhere, there is no real auto-trading with ThinkOrSwim.

Some people have scripted macros on their computers that trigger trades from on-screen changes. (not sure if I saw this on this forum or another elsewhere, but it seemed super sketchy to my eye and I wouldn't put real money on a system as was described)

You can auto-trade with TDAmeritrade (not sure about schwab's continuation of this) through their API using python or java. If those terms are foreign to you, I don't suggest going down that road at all. And futures are not one of the things you can auto-trade using the API in any event.

Again. ToS is not really designed for algo / auto trading.

Hope that helps,

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I have my own strategy which sends me sms alert. Is there service or something which can trigger trade using my sms alert information? I mostly trade in futures and stock options.

Any suggestions or direction you can provide will be greatly appreciated. 🙏
Side note, what kind of results are you achieving with your backtested strategy?
As you all know, currently there is no stable support for APIs.
The transition from TDA to Schwab had affected algo trading on ToS.
Still there are options for automation. This would not be different from how IB solved this for retail traders, requiring for running instance of desktop application and client (API gateway).
Check out the posts about Macro Recoder. This solution comes with plenty of limitations.
@Messmeter could you provide the details of what your alerts are based on ? I assume custom study ?
My alert is based on custom study using SuperTrend and slim ribbon etc. I have opened TradeStation account and playing with auto trading. So far it seems to be working. I am still in papar trade mode.
I wonder if you see other differences between TradeStation and ToS?
I am on ToS thanks to this community. Also .. I am still trying few options with goal to automate my ToS trading.
Almost Auto-Trade can be accomplished using Conditional Orders... The only issue is that Conditional Orders are one-and-done, for the most part... They can be relatively complex as has been discussed elsewhere in these forums... A search for "Conditional Orders" should yield results...
  • Automation is just one part of the equation.
  • The second part is the speed of order delivery.
Note: The execution of the order sits with your broker.
- Third - conditions. (triggers that may or may not fire)
Note: has to be manually reset. Like a mousetrap :)

At this point, all available solutions are based on
  • the chart-screen watching RPA scripts.
  • good for trading single symbol
Note : one chart per watcher script configuration required, if one plans to trade several symbols at a time.
That would require more monitor realstate space.
- still, no connection with conditions. Trader must add them in ToS per symbol.

I know it all sounds very disencouraging, but
some folks find this to be better than nothing.
For example: this setup could be ok for index trading.

I am still interested in solving ToS auto-trading challenge through applying other options. Happy to share my findings and success with community. At this place, paying forward is what makes us better at what we all do - trading 😜

Happy upcoming 2024!

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