Repaints AGAIG 4Chart 2min Screen For ThinkOrSwim



Trader Educator
This is a 4Chart 2min Screener (in this case AMZN, TSLA, GOOGL, MSFT) but any four stocks(ETFs) could be used (go here to read more about this set-up:

Because of limited space included are the Trading Path Direction Arrows, and 1-2-3 EXP SD (Exponential Standard Deviation) Pivot levels.

Also included is the 14 Day ATR (Average True Range) TI DMI MTF RED/GREEN Labels and the AGAIG Traffic Light to show overall direction. Candles are not included which (to my belief) keeps the screen less cluttered and easier to view?

The Chart Link is:!L4t0snA9

This is what the chart looks like:
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Thanks once again for all you share.

Something else......I am getting a flicking on the screens showing the Heiki Ashi candles
on and off for just an instant like showing in the background) Also was anything done
regarding the "bubbles sometimes hiding pertinent information from showing?
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Thanks once again for all you share.
Thanks for telling me…it’s always nice to get feedback!

Something else......I am getting a flicking on the screens showing the Heiki Ashi candles
on and off for just an instant like showing in the background) Also was anything done
regarding the "bubbles sometimes hiding pertinent information from showing?
Yes sometimes the hidden candles will flash momentarily...I didn't include any chart bubbles on this screener, only dashboard labels.
Thanks for telling me…it’s always nice to get feedback!

Yes sometimes the hidden candles will flash momentarily...I didn't include any chart bubbles on this screener, only dashboard labels.
Oh, okay thought i was seeing things :)

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