AddLabel woes...


Well-known member
Given the following script, I am trying to simply color a label...Works fine if as long as the value of the RSI isn't 0...Problem is RSI can be 0 and the label unfortunately disappears...

declare lower;

input showRSI = yes;
input showRSIlabel = yes;

def na = double.nan;

def length2 = 14;
def averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
def price2 = close;

def NetChgAvg2 = MovingAverage(averageType, price2 - price2[1], length2);
def TotChgAvg2 = MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(price2 - price2[1]), length2);
def ChgRatio2 = if TotChgAvg2 != 0 then NetChgAvg2 / TotChgAvg2 else 0;

plot RSI = if showRSI then 50 * (ChgRatio2 + 1) else na;
RSI.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 102, 204));

def RSIlabel = 50 * (ChgRatio2 + 1);
AddLabel(if showRSILabel then RSILabel else na,"  " + "RSI: " + Round(RSIlabel,4) + "  ", if RSILabel < 1 then Color.GREEN else if RSILabel > 99 then Color.RED else CreateColor(0, 102, 204));

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance...
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Fixed... The first parameter simply needs to be yes or no, not Double.NaN which doesn't need to be assigned to a variable... Scripting languages are meant to be as comment-free readable as possible and assigning Double.NaN to a variable is redundant and wastes valuable CPU clock cycles... Us old bit-fiddlers attempt to make code efficient and readable... At any rate, the code below works...

declare lower;

input showRSI = yes;
input showRSIlabel = yes;

def length2 = 14;
def averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
def price2 = close;

def NetChgAvg2 = MovingAverage(averageType, price2 - price2[1], length2);
def TotChgAvg2 = MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(price2 - price2[1]), length2);
def ChgRatio2 = if TotChgAvg2 != 0 then...
See the documentation for AddLabel() as you are missing the first parameter, yes... Not tested but the first parameter is required...

AddLabel(yes, if showRSILabel then RSILabel else na,"  " + "RSI: " + Round(RSIlabel,4) + "  ", if RSILabel < 1 then Color.GREEN else if RSILabel > 99 then Color.RED else CreateColor(0, 102, 204));
it gives an error, 3 params expected but 4 found while calling addlabel.
@Kashkian Thanks for your recent reply...That particular error has been resolved...

The final script is below for reference, until the 0 issue is resolved:

declare lower;

input showRSI = yes;
input showRSIlabel = yes;

def length2 = 14;
def averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
def price2 = close;

def NetChgAvg2 = MovingAverage(averageType, price2 - price2[1], length2);
def TotChgAvg2 = MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(price2 - price2[1]), length2);
def ChgRatio2 = if TotChgAvg2 != 0 then NetChgAvg2 / TotChgAvg2 else 0;

plot RSI = if showRSI then 50 * (ChgRatio2 + 1) else double.nan;
RSI.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 102, 204));

def RSIlabel = 50 * (ChgRatio2 + 1);
AddLabel(if RSILabel < 1 or RSILabel > 99 then Color.RED else CreateColor(0, 102, 204));
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Fixed... The first parameter simply needs to be yes or no, not Double.NaN which doesn't need to be assigned to a variable... Scripting languages are meant to be as comment-free readable as possible and assigning Double.NaN to a variable is redundant and wastes valuable CPU clock cycles... Us old bit-fiddlers attempt to make code efficient and readable... At any rate, the code below works...

declare lower;

input showRSI = yes;
input showRSIlabel = yes;

def length2 = 14;
def averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
def price2 = close;

def NetChgAvg2 = MovingAverage(averageType, price2 - price2[1], length2);
def TotChgAvg2 = MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(price2 - price2[1]), length2);
def ChgRatio2 = if TotChgAvg2 != 0 then NetChgAvg2 / TotChgAvg2 else 0;

plot RSI = if showRSI then 50 * (ChgRatio2 + 1) else Double.NaN;
RSI.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 102, 204));

def RSIlabel = 50 * (ChgRatio2 + 1);
AddLabel(showRSILabel,"  " + "RSI: " + Round(RSIlabel,4) + "  ", if RSILabel < 1 then Color.GREEN else if RSILabel > 99 then Color.RED else CreateColor(0, 102, 204));
@rad14733 Thanks for your time and effort in this endeavor...It is much appreciated! I'm happy to say the elusive "0" issue has been resolved with your code snippet as well :cool:

While I aspire to achieve "bit-fiddler" status one day, in the meantime, I will continue to value and hold in high estimation the code efficiency and readability of bit-fiddlers such as yourself...Thanks again...

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