#StudyName: Dilbert_1st2nd3rdOrderPivotFibs_V4
#Description: This script calculates first, second, and third order pivot points using the method described by Adam Grimes, and plots fib lines based on them.
#Author: Dilbert
#Requested By:
# Ver Date Auth Change
# v4 012217 Dilbert Fix 2nd order pivot logic, and 3rd order
# TOS.mx Link: http://tos.mx/nevlV6
# v3 010117 Dilbert 2nd order pivot logic appears to be right now.
# TOS.mx Link:
# v2 010117 Dilbert Improvements to 2nd order logic, but still have a bug in it. Not detecting a higher future 1st order pivot. Changed dot offest logic to use ticksize.
# TOS.mx Link: http://tos.mx/EWHSQb
# v1 123016 Dilbert code not complete yet.
# TOS.mx Link: http://tos.mx/NH8uTS
# Trading Notes:
#A cyan 1st order pivot on the high of a bar is when the bars before and after it both had lower highs
#A cyan 1st order pivot on the low of a bar is when the bars before and after it both had higher lows
#A yellow 2nd order pivot on the high of a bar is when the 1st order pivot highs anywhere before and anywhere after it both had lower highs
#A yellow 2nd order pivot on the low of a bar is when the 1st order pivot lows anywhere before and anywhere after it both had higher lows
#A magenta 3rd order pivot on the high of a bar is when the 2nd order pivot highs anywhere before and anywhere after it both had lower highs
#A magenta 3rd order pivot on the low of a bar is when the 2nd order pivot lows anywhere before and anywhere after it both had higher lows
input DotOffset = 2.0;
#Hint Debug: Turn debug plots and bubbles on and off;
input Debug = no;
#Hint _1stOHLLines: show lines connecting 1st order highs and lows
input _1stOHLLines = no;
#Hint _1stOZZLines: show zig zag like lines connecting 1st order highs and lows
input _1stOZZLines = no;
#Hint _2ndOHLLines: show lines connecting 2nd order highs and lows
input _2ndOHLLines = yes;
#Hint _2ndOZZLines: show zig zag like lines connecting 2nd order highs and lows
input _2ndOZZLines = yes;
input _3rdOHLLines = yes;
#Hint _3rdOZZLines: show zig zag like lines connecting 2nd order highs and lows
input _3rdOZZLines = yes;
def H = high;
def L = low;
def C = close;
def na = Double.NaN;
def BN = BarNumber();
#def HBN = HighestAll(BN);
#def BarstoEndChart = if HBN - BN > 1 then HBN - BN else 1 ;
#def BarstoEndChart = HBN - BN;
def TS = TickSize();
# find first order pivot high
def _1stOrderPivotHigh = if H > H[1] and H > H[-1] then 1 else 0;
def _1stOrderPivotHighCount = if _1stOrderPivotHigh == 1
then _1stOrderPivotHighCount[1] + 1 else _1stOrderPivotHighCount[1];
plot _1stOPH = if _1stOrderPivotHigh == 1 then H else na;
def _1stOPHH = if _1stOrderPivotHigh then H else _1stOPHH[1];
def _1stOPHBN = if _1stOrderPivotHigh then BN else _1stOPHBN[1];
# find first order pivot low
def _1stOrderPivotLow = L < L[1] and L < L[-1];
plot _1stOPL = if _1stOrderPivotLow == 1 then L else na;
def _1stOPLL = if _1stOrderPivotLow then L else _1stOPLL[1];
def _1stOPLBN = if _1stOrderPivotLow then BN else _1stOPLBN[1];
# Beginning of 2nd order pivot logic
# Beginning of higher 2nd order pivot logic
# find lower prior 1st order pivot high
def LowerPrior1stOPH = if _1stOrderPivotHigh and _1stOPHH > _1stOPHH[1] then 1 else 0;
def LowerPrior1stOPHBN = if LowerPrior1stOPH then BN else 0;
# find higher prior 1st order pivot
def HigherPrior1stOPH = if _1stOrderPivotHigh and _1stOPHH < _1stOPHH[1]
then 1 else 0;
def HigherPrior1stOPHBN = if HigherPrior1stOPH then BN else 0;
# Find higher future 1st order pivot high
def HigherFuture1stOP = fold i = 1 to 390
with p
while p == 0
do GetValue( LowerPrior1stOPHBN, -i, 0);
# Find lower future 1st order pivot high
def LowerFuture1stOP = fold i2 = 1 to 390
with p2
while p2 == 0
do GetValue( HigherPrior1stOPHBN, -i2, 0);
# IsNaN logic needed at right end of chart when there are not enough bars left to detect both a higher and lower future pivot.
def HigherFuture1stOPNaN = if IsNaN(HigherFuture1stOP) then 1 else 0;
def LowerFuture1stOPNaN = if IsNaN(LowerFuture1stOP) then 1 else 0;
def NotIsNaNHigherFuture1stOP = if HigherFuture1stOPNaN == 1
else HigherFuture1stOP;
def NotIsNaNLowerFuture1stOP = if LowerFuture1stOPNaN == 1
else LowerFuture1stOP;
# Plot 2nd order pivot high dots
plot _2ndOPHDots = if LowerPrior1stOPH == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture1stOP < NotIsNaNHigherFuture1stOP
then H + TS * DotOffset
else na;
# Mark bar with boolean 0/1 is 2nd order pivot high
def _2ndOrderPivotHigh = if LowerPrior1stOPH == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture1stOP < NotIsNaNHigherFuture1stOP
then 1
else 0;
def _2ndOPHH = if _2ndOrderPivotHigh then H else _2ndOPHH[1];
def _2ndOPHBN = if _2ndOrderPivotHigh then BN else _2ndOPHBN[1];
# End of higher 2nd order pivot logic
# Beginning of lower 2nd order pivot logic
# find lower prior 1st order pivot low
def LowerPrior1stOPL = if _1stOrderPivotLow and _1stOPLL > _1stOPLL[1] then 1 else 0;
def LowerPrior1stOPLBN = if LowerPrior1stOPL then BN else 0;
# find higher prior 1st order pivot low
def HigherPrior1stOPL = if _1stOrderPivotLow and _1stOPLL < _1stOPLL[1]
then 1 else 0;
def HigherPrior1stOPLBN = if HigherPrior1stOPL then BN else 0;
# Find Higher future 1st order pivot low
def HigherFuture1stOPL = fold i3 = 1 to 390
with p3
while p3 == 0
do GetValue( LowerPrior1stOPLBN, -i3, 0);
# Find lower future 1st order pivot low
def LowerFuture1stOPL = fold i4 = 1 to 390
with p4
while p4 == 0
do GetValue( HigherPrior1stOPLBN, -i4, 0);
# Plot 2nd order pivot low dots
# IsNaN logic needed at right end of chart when there are not enough bars left to detect both a Higher and lower future pivot.
def HigherFuture1stOPLNaN = if IsNaN(HigherFuture1stOPL) then 1 else 0;
def LOWerFuture1stOPLNaN = if IsNaN(LowerFuture1stOPL) then 1 else 0;
def NotIsNaNHigherFuture1stOPL = if HigherFuture1stOPLNaN == 1
else HigherFuture1stOPL;
def NotIsNaNLowerFuture1stOPL = if LOWerFuture1stOPLNaN == 1
else LowerFuture1stOPL;
plot _2ndOPLDots = if HigherPrior1stOPL == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture1stOPL > NotIsNaNHigherFuture1stOPL
then L - TS * DotOffset
else na;
# Mark bar with boolean 0/1 if 2nd order pivot low
def _2ndOrderPivotLow = if HigherPrior1stOPL == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture1stOPL > NotIsNaNHigherFuture1stOPL
then L
else 0;
def _2ndOPLL = if _2ndOrderPivotLow then L else _2ndOPLL[1];
def _2ndOPLBN = if _2ndOrderPivotLow then BN else _2ndOPLBN[1];
# End of lower 2nd order pivot low logic
# End of 2nd order pivot logic
# Beginning of 3rd order pivot logic
# Beginning of higher 3rd order pivot logic
# find lower prior 2nd order pivot high
def LowerPrior2ndOPH = if _2ndOrderPivotHigh and _2ndOPHH > _2ndOPHH[1] then 1 else 0;
def LowerPrior2ndOPHBN = if LowerPrior2ndOPH then BN else 0;
# find higher prior 2nd order pivot
def HigherPrior2ndOPH = if _2ndOrderPivotHigh and _2ndOPHH < _2ndOPHH[1]
then 1 else 0;
def HigherPrior2ndOPHBN = if HigherPrior2ndOPH then BN else 0;
# Find higher future 2nd order pivot high
def HigherFuture2ndOP = fold i5 = 1 to 390
with p5
while p5 == 0
do GetValue( LowerPrior2ndOPHBN, -i5, 0);
# Find lower future 2nd order pivot high
def LowerFuture2ndOP = fold i6 = 1 to 390
with p6
while p6 == 0
do GetValue( HigherPrior2ndOPHBN, -i6, 0);
# IsNaN logic needed at right end of chart when there are not enough bars left to detect both a higher and lower future pivot.
def HigherFuture2ndOPNaN = if IsNaN(HigherFuture2ndOP) then 1 else 0;
def LowerFuture2ndOPNaN = if IsNaN(LowerFuture2ndOP) then 1 else 0;
def NotIsNaNHigherFuture2ndOP = if HigherFuture2ndOPNaN == 1
else HigherFuture2ndOP;
def NotIsNaNLowerFuture2ndOP = if LowerFuture2ndOPNaN == 1
else LowerFuture2ndOP;
# Plot 3rd order pivot high dots
plot _3rdOPHDots = if LowerPrior2ndOPH == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture2ndOP < NotIsNaNHigherFuture2ndOP
then H + TS * DotOffset * 2
else na;
# Mark bar with boolean 0/1 is 3rd order pivot high
def _3rdOrderPivotHigh = if LowerPrior2ndOPH == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture2ndOP < NotIsNaNHigherFuture2ndOP
then 1
else 0;
# End of higher 3rd order pivot logic
# Beginning of lower 3rd order pivot logic
# find lower prior 2nd order pivot low
def LowerPrior2ndOPL = if _2ndOrderPivotLow and _2ndOPLL > _2ndOPLL[1] then 1 else 0;
def LowerPrior2ndOPLBN = if LowerPrior2ndOPL then BN else 0;
# find higher prior 2nd order pivot low
def HigherPrior2ndOPL = if _2ndOrderPivotLow and _2ndOPLL < _2ndOPLL[1]
then 1 else 0;
def HigherPrior2ndOPLBN = if HigherPrior2ndOPL then BN else 0;
# Find Higher future 2nd order pivot low
def HigherFuture2ndOPL = fold i7 = 1 to 390
with p7
while p7 == 0
do GetValue( LowerPrior2ndOPLBN, -i7, 0);
# Find lower future 2nd order pivot low
def LowerFuture2ndOPL = fold i8 = 1 to 390
with p8
while p8 == 0
do GetValue( HigherPrior2ndOPLBN, -i8, 0);
# Plot 3rd order pivot low dots
# IsNaN logic needed at right end of chart when there are not enough bars left to detect both a Higher and lower future pivot.
def HigherFuture2ndOPLNaN = if IsNaN(HigherFuture2ndOPL) then 1 else 0;
def LOWerFuture2ndOPLNaN = if IsNaN(LowerFuture2ndOPL) then 1 else 0;
def NotIsNaNHigherFuture2ndOPL = if HigherFuture2ndOPLNaN == 1
else HigherFuture2ndOPL;
def NotIsNaNLowerFuture2ndOPL = if LOWerFuture2ndOPLNaN == 1
else LowerFuture2ndOPL;
plot _3rdOPLDots = if HigherPrior2ndOPL == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture2ndOPL > NotIsNaNHigherFuture2ndOPL
then L - TS * DotOffset * 2
else na;
# Mark bar with boolean 0/1 if 3rd order pivot low
def _3rdOrderPivotLow = if HigherPrior2ndOPL == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture2ndOPL > NotIsNaNHigherFuture2ndOPL
then L
else 0;
# End of lower 3rd order pivot low logic
# End of 3rd order pivot logic
# Begin plotting lines. 3rd order plotted before 3rd, 3rd before 2nd, so that lower
# order plots do not plot on top of higher order
# Plot lines connecting 3rd order pivot highs
def _3rdOPHLine = if _3rdOHLLines and LowerPrior2ndOPH == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture2ndOP < NotIsNaNHigherFuture2ndOP
then H
else na;
def Last_3rdOPH = if !IsNaN(_3rdOPHLine) then _3rdOPHLine else Last_3rdOPH[1];
plot _3rdOPHLinePlot = if !IsNaN(_3rdOPHLine) then _3rdOPHLine
else if Last_3rdOPH != 0 then Last_3rdOPH
else na;
# Draw lines connecting 3rd order pivot lows
def _3rdOPLLine = if _3rdOHLLines and HigherPrior2ndOPL == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture2ndOPL > NotIsNaNHigherFuture2ndOPL
then L
else na;
def Last_3rdOPL = if !IsNaN(_3rdOPLLine)
then _3rdOPLLine else Last_3rdOPL[1];
plot _3rdOPLLinePlot = if !IsNaN(_3rdOPLLine)
then _3rdOPLLine
else if Last_3rdOPL != 0 then Last_3rdOPL
else na;
# find both 3rd order pivot lows and highs and plot a line
def Any_3rdOPLine = if _3rdOrderPivotHigh
then H
else if _3rdOrderPivotLow
then L
else na;
plot Any_3rdOPLineP = if _3rdOZZLines == 1 then Any_3rdOPLine else na;
# Plot lines connecting 2nd order pivot highs
def _2ndOPHLine = if _2ndOHLLines and LowerPrior1stOPH == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture1stOP < NotIsNaNHigherFuture1stOP
then H
else na;
def Last_2ndOPH = if !IsNaN(_2ndOPHLine) then _2ndOPHLine else Last_2ndOPH[1];
plot _2ndOPHLinePlot = if !IsNaN(_2ndOPHLine) then _2ndOPHLine
else if Last_2ndOPH != 0 then Last_2ndOPH
else na;
# Draw lines connecting 2nd order pivot lows
def _2ndOPLLine = if _2ndOHLLines and HigherPrior1stOPL == 1
and NotIsNaNLowerFuture1stOPL > NotIsNaNHigherFuture1stOPL
then L
else na;
def Last_2ndOPL = if !IsNaN(_2ndOPLLine)
then _2ndOPLLine else Last_2ndOPL[1];
plot _2ndOPLLinePlot = if !IsNaN(_2ndOPLLine)
then _2ndOPLLine
else if Last_2ndOPL != 0 then Last_2ndOPL
else na;
# find both 2nd order pivot lows and highs and plot a line
def Any_2ndOPLine = if _2ndOrderPivotHigh
then H
else if _2ndOrderPivotLow
then L
else na;
plot Any_2ndOPLineP = if _2ndOZZLines == 1 then Any_2ndOPLine else na;
# Plot lines connecting 1st order pivot highs
def _1stOPHLine = if _1stOHLLines and _1stOrderPivotHigh == 1
then H
else na;
def Last_1stOPH = if !IsNaN(_1stOPHLine) then _1stOPHLine else Last_1stOPH[1];
plot _1stOPHLinePlot = if !IsNaN(_1stOPHLine)
then _1stOPHLine
else if Last_1stOPH != 0
then Last_1stOPH
else na;
# Plot lines connecting 1st order pivot lows
def _1stOPLLine = if _1stOHLLines and _1stOrderPivotLow == 1
then L
else na;
def Last_1stOPL = if !IsNaN(_1stOPLLine) then _1stOPLLine else Last_1stOPL[1];
plot _1stOPLLinePlot = if !IsNaN(_1stOPLLine)
then _1stOPLLine
else if Last_1stOPL != 0
then Last_1stOPL
else na;
# find both 1st order pivot lows and highs and plot a line
def Any_1stOPLine = if _1stOrderPivotHigh
then H
else if _1stOrderPivotLow
then L
else na;
plot Any_1stOPLineP = if _1stOZZLines == 1 then Any_1stOPLine else na;
AddLabel(1,"1st", Color.Cyan);
AddLabel(1,"2nd", Color.Yellow);
AddLabel(1,"3rd", Color.Magenta);
# Debug plots and bubbles to the end of study
plot ValuesAbove = if Debug then _2ndOPHLine else na;
plot ValuesBelow = if Debug then _2ndOPLLine else na;
#AddChartBubble(Bubbles and _1stOrderPivotHigh, H + .05,HigherPrior1stOPHBN,Color.Cyan, yes);
AddChartBubble(Debug, H + .10, _1stOrderPivotHigh, Color.CYAN, yes);
#AddChartBubble(Bubbles, H + .15,HigherPrior1stOPHBN[1],Color.Cyan, yes);
AddChartBubble(Debug, L - .05, BN, Color.CYAN, no);
AddChartBubble(Debug, L - .10, Last_2ndOPL, Color.CYAN, no);
AddChartBubble(Debug and _1stOrderPivotHigh, L - .15, LowerFuture1stOP, Color.CYAN, no);
#AddChartBubble(Bubbles, L - .15,HigherPrior1stOPHBN[1],Color.Cyan, no);
AddVerticalLine(Debug and _1stOrderPivotHigh and _1stOPHH == _1stOPHH[1], "", Color.Magenta, Curve.SHORT_DASH);