2024 -- September 11th newsletter


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New Indicators for thinkorswim: Relative Volume Spikes & Momentum, Traders Reality PVSRA Volume Suite and more...!​

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atcsam said:

This chart setup is designed to analyze volume, range spread, relative volume, average volumes and closing price to determine price direction.

jagat said:

This indicator employs Price, Volume, Support, Resistance Analysis (PVSRA), to analyze price movements, volume, support, and resistance levels to identify potential trading opportunities.

MerryDay said:

Prevailing market theory states:
Volume movement precedes price movement for indices, ETFs and market mover stocks.

This is considered a sign that institutional investors are taking an interest, which could correlate with a significant price move.

The volume changes are ONLY deemed significant when they occur in correlation with other price actions; while at critical juncture of your range/bands/channels or support/resistance.

This script provides a signal when Relative Volume changes more than TWO standard deviations or the percentage volume change is greater than 5%...

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DudeDastic said:

Experimental attempt of applying Logistic Map Equation for some of widely used indicators.

With this study "Awesome Oscillator (AO)", "Rate of Change (ROC)", "Relative Strength Index (RSI)", "Stochastic (STOCH)" and a custom interpretation of Logistic Map Equation is presented.

Calculations with Logistic Map Equation makes sense when the calculated results are iterated many times within the same equation.

BenTen said:

This indicator uses historical volatility of the last 10 and 100 days.

Some research points to combining the 10 and 100 day historical volatility (HV) indicators can help identify HV signals.

Volatility measures the extent of price changes, but doesn't indicate the direction of the change.
Some suggest imbuing direction with the use of 20 bar moving average.
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