2024 -- May 22nd newsletter


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Here are the latest tips and strategies from your uTS Community​

Here on useThinkScript, we dive deep into the latest discussions and highlight the most valuable indicators, set ups, and strategies which could give you the edge in this week's markets.
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Darth Tradicus said:

The Scalper's Volatility Filter (𝒮𝒱𝐹) is a sophisticated technical indicator, designed to increase the profitability of lower timeframe trading.

Due to the inherent decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio when trading on lower timeframes, it is critical to develop analysis methods to inform traders of the optimal market periods to trade - and more importantly, when you shouldn’t trade.

The 𝒮𝒱𝐹 uses a blend of volatility and momentum measurements, to signal the dominant market condition - trending or ranging.

serendipity2020 said:
A different approach to the MACD. Classic MACD uses exponential moving averages. In this version users can apply 11 different types of moving averages which they can benefit from their smoothness and vice versa sharpnesses...

Max said:

Decided to merge multiple indicators into one. The core is William Vix and Momentum Keltner.

It was made for Daily but looks promising on intraday charts also.

Agenda: red/green arrows shows when we should go long. Blue - adds the position/move deltas e.t.c

1. What's the reasoning behind merging the VixFix with this indicator?

  • Keltner itslef very good indicator to show the main direction and "grey zones" when the next move is not defined. The Momentum Keltner was very very very interesting and I decided to...
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Henry1224 said:
The Ichimoku Cloud is popular in that it displays support and resistance, momentum, and trend all in one view.
TenkanSen and KijunSen are similar to moving averages and are analyzed in relationship to one another.

useThinkScript said:

The TMO calculates momentum using the delta of price.

Price delta gauges the change rate, providing a dynamic view of direction and intensity. Giving a much better picture of trend, tend reversals and divergence than momentum oscillators using price.
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