2024 -- August 22nd newsletter


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5 Tips & Strategies for your ToS: MFI & %B, Price Approaching Average, TTM Reversion Bands, and more...!​

Here on useThinkScript, we dive deep into the latest discussions and highlight the most valuable indicators, set ups, and strategies which could give you the edge in this week's markets.
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samer800 said:

The Money Flow Index (MFI) and Bollinger Bands are technical indicators that can be combined to identify price swings and trends:

A volume-weighted oscillator that measures price momentum and strength using price and volume data.

Bollinger Bands
A statistical chart that consists of a middle band and two outer bands that are calculated based on standard deviations from the middle band. The upper band is often considered resistance...


ajai said:

This is a trend-following indicator which condenses two SuperTrend indicators -- one based on analysis over a shorter period of time (1.5, 7), and one based on analysis over a longer period of time (1.65, 100) -- into a single indicator which appears on your chart only when both the shorter- and longer-term analysis indicates a "SuperTrend" in the same direction.

Additionally, potential trade entry indicators are displayed in the form of up and down arrows


useThinkScript said:

WATCHLIST Moving averages are a lagging indicator. As such, they get a bad rap. But moving averages can still be useful in trading strategies.

Of course, when the price is above the moving average with positive momentum, it may indicate an uptrend.

Conversely, if the price is below the moving average with negative momentum, it is possibly signaling a downtrend.

But what about all the other situations? Such as price is below average BUT with positive momentum, and it is closing in on the moving average. This could signify something interesting when combined with signals from your favorite strategy.

This watchlist column displays the relationships of price to moving average by percentages.Also available: paint candles with the relationships of price to moving average.

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unheardsheep said:

QFL stands for Quickfingersluc, and sometimes it is referred to as the Base Strategy or Mean Reversals. Its main idea is about identifying the moment of panic selling and buying below the base level.

Base level or Support Level refers to the lowest price level that was reached before the moment the price started increasing again. At that level, you can notice that buyers make a strong reaction.

QFL is meant to be used on higher TF's like 1hr, 2hr and 4hr. But this strategy also works well on lower Timeframes.

BenTen said:

This indicator is called TTM Reversion Bands, and it's designed for mean reversion trading. When the stock's price is near the reversion bands, it's at an extreme and will generally revert to the mean over time.

In his book, John Carter shares insights on using this particular indicator for swing trading. He suggests first looking for "squeezes" and avoiding trades based on reversion-to-the-mean (RTM) during these squeezes, since they can be unpredictable.

Once a stock moves significantly above or below its average (a few ATRs), it's a good time to consider long or short options. Even better might be credit spreads, as time decay (theta) can work in your favor, even if the stock stays extended.
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