2024 -- August 1st newsletter


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Your useThinkScript Update: Fillable Watchlist Column, Exponential Stochastic Strategy, Price & Volume Breakout Strategy, and more...!​

Here on useThinkScript, we dive deep into the latest discussions and highlight the most valuable indicators, set ups, and strategies which could give you the edge in this week's markets.
Scroll down to check out this week's must reads, carefully selected by uTS Moderators!

MikeLikesAnacottSteel said:

A fairly simple indicator that works very well for scalping 1-5 min charts.
The strategy buys when the indicator leaves the overbought zone, sells when it leaves the oversold zone and always stays in the trade.

apdusp said:

Very interesting reversals' indicator. It looks promising for covered calls, among other options strategies that can benefit from it.
The Cosine Kernel Regressions indicator (CKR) uses mathematical concepts to offer a unique approach to market analysis. This indicator employs Kernel Regressions using bespoke tunable Cosine functions in order to smoothly interpret a variety of market data, providing traders with incredibly clean insights into market trends.

TickTockTony said:

Creating a Custom Column For Additional Information that you want to display in a watchlist is doable.
While the only fillable field available on the ToS platform is notes; which as you have seen has limited use.

There is another approach. You can maintain a table within a custom script of the information or data that you want to have appear in a watchlist based on a set of conditions or symbols.
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QUIKTDR1 said:

The "Price and Volume Breakout Buy Strategy" is a trading strategy designed to identify buying opportunities by detecting concurrent price and volume breakouts over a specified range of candlesticks.

This strategy is optimized for assets demonstrating high volatility and significant momentum spikes.

MerryDay said:

One of the single greatest predictor of whether your trade will be profitable; is verifying that you are making entry at the appropriate point on your trading chart and also in the daily cycle.

These daily labels provide a view of the state of trend on the daily chart.
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I find a great value in these newsletters!

It is a great summary helps to be up to date.
Not all of us have time to watch the forums been monitor all threads daily.

Please continue your posts.
I think the community can also benefit from more articles and tutorials, including educational videos on the trading systems and setups.

There are so many great minds that participate in this forum. Imagine if they would combine their energy to create almost perfect trading setup!!! 😜

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