Investment Books to Recommend - please post yours

Some trading concepts are difficult to grasp. Having books that approach similar technical ideas from different perspectives can increase understanding.

Also, there are genius technical analysts, for instance I use every indicator ever created by Chande, an amazing mathematician. But sometimes presents theories at a level that only another genius can understand. So, I have everything Chande has ever written and then I have accumulated books that present those overall concepts on a level that I can understand.

Would you mind sharing the titles of the books? Any articles? Any links?
The Chande indicator's especially - Please if you can share
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Would you mind sharing the titles of the books? Any articles? Any links?
The books and studies that I favor don't even have to do with trading directly.
Currently, I am reading: The Non-Parametric Spearman’s Rho and Kendall’s Tau Statistics

John Ehler made this attempt at noise elimination with Kendall's Tau.
I want to incorporate it into price action for finding bottoms and the reversals. I am playing with using correlation calculations with normalizing distribution to remove outliers and false signals from my technical analysis.

@kls06541, Chande's Beyond Technical Analysis is his most popular book, but you can't go wrong with anything he has written.
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What is so good about this book? Any details are appreciated
back in the 90's it was given to a lot of the institutional guys..

Its a proven method, it still works today. Its complete. Its easy to read. It has practice question in the end. I've read a lot of books and this is one I always go back to read and re read.
back in the 90's it was given to a lot of the institutional guys..

Its a proven method, it still works today. Its complete. Its easy to read. It has practice question in the end. I've read a lot of books and this is one I always go back to read and re read.
Is the book not very OLD for today's environment?
Is the book not very OLD for today's environment?
The basic market force drivers have not changed since the 1600s.
The basis of Mr. Weinstein's concepts involving moving averages have been around since the earliest computers and before.
As @drasp stated Stan Weinstein's concepts have been incorporated into the institutional traders algorithms.
They drive the market. Their beliefs drive our reality.

OLD is good in Investment Technical Analysis. The standards shape the market movers of today. The very premise of economics is that nothing has happened that hasn't happened before. The key is to match up the patterns of economic events to better predict what will happen next.
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Is the book not very OLD for today's environment?
Just as @MerryDay said. Stan Weinstein is THE legend. I don't need to try to sell him, its your loss if you pass by him. IF you last long enough doing this, you will eventually run into Stan Weinstein and when you do, everything you thought you knew will get dumped in the garbage and you'll start fresh with his system. Trust me. You're only wasting your time if you don't start with him.
For me, the best book in this regard was Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing". I can say this with confidence since it was recommended to me by a financial consultant with whom I worked with the help of A very good book. Interesting and useful. A good technique for repeating the same thoughts and your story many times. Motivates. Kiyosaki is a really talented teacher and businessman. He taught long-known thoughts in a new light, using living examples.
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I advise all novice investors to read ""Reasonable investor. The Complete Guide to Value Investing"" by Benjamin Graham. The book, first published in 1949, became a bestseller and a Stock market Bible. It showed that investing is not a lottery or a dice game, where everything is decided by chance, but a complex and time-consuming process with a scientific basis. After reading it, you will understand the basic investment terms and strategies. However, it is worth understanding that sometimes it is necessary to contact consultants or people with extensive experience to understand certain aspects. For example, when my mom decided to take out a reverse mortgage, I immediately told her to contact Equity Release Nottingham.
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The basic market force drivers have not changed since the 1600s.
The basis of Mr. Weinstein's concepts involving moving averages have been around since the earliest computers and before.
As @drasp stated Stan Weinstein's concepts have been incorporated into the institutional traders algorithms.
They drive the market. Their beliefs drive our reality.

OLD is good in Investment Technical Analysis. The standards shape the market movers of today. The very premise of economics is that nothing has happened that hasn't happened before. The key is to match up the patterns of economic events to better predict what will happen next.
Hi MerryDay:
Are there any indicators or scripts that let us plot what stage or Weinstein's 4 stages we are in. And what point of the stage we are in.
I have just started to read the book which I purchased years ago.
Did a lot of highlighting, and then let it sit.
But for some reason I brought it back out, and I am going to pursue it further.
Hi MerryDay:
Are there any indicators or scripts that let us plot what stage or Weinstein's 4 stages we are in. And what point of the stage we are in.
I have just started to read the book which I purchased years ago.
Did a lot of highlighting, and then let it sit.
But for some reason I brought it back out, and I am going to pursue it further.
The moving average, mansfield, and TI65 components were discussed in this thread:
Hands down, the best book to understand price action.

Very difficult read (Al is not the best writer) but the knowledge is amazing.

Over the past 9 years it's a large list to summarize the books I've read into a top 10. All the authors offer excellent advise and explain things in there own ways. I'm always reading and rereading passed books.

  • Stocks&Commodities has a wealth of information over the long history of it's existence.
  • Dr. Alexander Elder offers trading and Psychology points.
  • Bill Williams momentum indicators and Elliott Wave explanation.
  • One could never go wrong following CMT curriculum.
  • Some or the authors I'm read include John Murphy, Anna Coulling, Martin Pring, Constance Brown, Leslie Masonson, Perry Kaufman and Markos Katsanos.
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my 2cents: loose a lot of money and you will not need any investment book. unless you are a natural follow someone more experienced.

anyway, either you learn from your mistakes and make a stellar comeback or simple dedicate yourself to other type of business. simple as that because reality is always the strongest teacher.
my 2cents: loose a lot of money and you will not need any investment book. unless you are a natural follow someone more experienced.
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Your perspective offers a valuable lesson: experiences, including losses, can be powerful teachers in the investment world. Learning from mistakes and gaining insights from more experienced individuals are key elements in navigating the complexities of the market. It's a journey of resilience and continuous improvement. 💡💰
reality is always the strongest teacher.
Personally, I think many people conflate investing with trading. For me, they are vastly different with trading being much higher risk (therefore having a smaller portfolio allocation) than investing (having lesser risk with larger allocation). Books I read for trading are NOT books I read for investing.

Others, of course, will view it differently.

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