RSI Based Automatic Supply and Demand For ThinkOrSwim


Author states: A script that draws supply and demand zones based on the RSI indicator. For example if RSI is under 30 a supply zone is drawn on the chart and extended for as long as there isn't a new crossunder 30. Same goes for above 70. The threshold which by default is set to 30, which means 30 is added to 0 and subtracted from 100 to give us the classic 30/70 threshold on RSI, can be set in the indicator settings.

By only plotting the Demand Below Supply Above indicator you get automatic SD level that is updated every time RSI reaches either 30 or 70. If you plot the Resistance Zone / Support Zone you get an indicator that extends the zone instead of overwrite the earlier zone. Due to the zone being extended the chart can get a bit messy if there isn't a clear range going on.

There is also a "confirmation bars" setting where you can tell the script how many bars under over 30 / 70 you want before a zone is drawn.


Here is the original Tradingview code:

The new ThinkOrSwim code can be found in the next post.
Last edited by a moderator:
Can someone convert this? Thank you

//© shtcoinr, updated to v4 wijth additional zones and settings by Lij_MC
study(title="RSI Supply/Demand", shorttitle="RSI S/D", overlay=true)
ShowSD1 = input(false, "Supply Demand Zone", group = "Supply Demand 1", inline = "Supply Demand 1")
ShowSZ1 = input(false, "Support Zone", group = "Supply Demand 1", inline = "Supply Demand 1")
ShowRZ1 = input(false, "Resistance Zone", group = "Supply Demand 1", inline = "Supply Demand 1")
RSI1Length = input(7, minval=1, title="RSI 1 Length", group="Supply Demand 1")
RSI1OBOSIn = input(defval="70 / 30", title="OB / OS", options=["70 / 30", "75 / 25", "80 / 20", "85 / 15", "90 / 10", "95 / 5"], group="Supply Demand 1")
NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI1 = input(3, title="Confirmation Bars", group="Supply Demand 1")
RSI1SDColorIn = input(, 85), "Fill Colors - Supply Demand", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 1", inline = "Fill 1")
RSI1SupportColorIn = input(, 92), "Support", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 1", inline = "Fill 1")
RSI1ResistanceColorIn = input(, 92), "Resistance", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 1", inline = "Fill 1")
RSI1 = rsi(close, RSI1Length)
RSI1OB = RSI1OBOSIn == "70 / 30" ? 70 :
RSI1OBOSIn == "75 / 25" ? 75 : RSI1OBOSIn == "80 / 20" ? 80 :
RSI1OBOSIn == "90 / 10" ? 90 : RSI1OBOSIn == "95 / 5" ? 95 : 100
RSI1OS = RSI1OBOSIn == "70 / 30" ? 30 :
RSI1OBOSIn == "75 / 25" ? 25 : RSI1OBOSIn == "80 / 20" ? 20 :
RSI1OBOSIn == "90 / 10" ? 10 : RSI1OBOSIn == "95 / 5" ? 5 : 0
RSI1incrementer_up = RSI1 > RSI1OB ? 1 : 0
RSI1incrementer_down = RSI1 < RSI1OS ? 1 : 0
RSI1incrementer_both = RSI1 > RSI1OB or RSI1 < RSI1OS ? 1 : 0
RSI1rsx = 0
if RSI1incrementer_both
RSI1rsx := nz(RSI1rsx[1], 0) + RSI1incrementer_both
RSI1rsx = 0
RSI1rxH = if RSI1rsx >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI1
RSI1x = high
RSI1rxL = if RSI1rsx >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI1
RSI1y = low
RSI1rH = fixnan(RSI1rxH)
RSI1rL = fixnan(RSI1rxL)
RSI1rsu = 0
if RSI1incrementer_up
RSI1rsu := nz(RSI1rsu[1], 0) + RSI1incrementer_up
RSI1rsu = 0
RSI1rssH = if RSI1rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI1
RSI1x = high
RSI1rssL = if RSI1rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI1
RSI1y = low
RSI1ResistanceZoneHigh = fixnan(RSI1rssH)
RSI1ResistanceZoneLow = fixnan(RSI1rssL)
RSI1rsd = 0
if RSI1incrementer_down
RSI1rsd := nz(RSI1rsd[1], 0) + RSI1incrementer_down
RSI1rsd = 0
RSI1rsrH = if RSI1rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI1
RSI1x = high
RSI1rsrL = if RSI1rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI1
RSI1y = low
RSI1SupportZoneHigh = fixnan(RSI1rsrH)
RSI1SupportZoneLow = fixnan(RSI1rsrL)
RSI1_ResZoneColor = RSI1ResistanceZoneHigh != RSI1ResistanceZoneHigh[1] ? na : RSI1ResistanceColorIn
RSI1_SupZoneColor = RSI1SupportZoneLow != RSI1SupportZoneLow[1] ? na : RSI1SupportColorIn
RSI1SDColor = RSI1rH != RSI1rH[1]? na : RSI1SDColorIn
RSI1RZHigh = plot(ShowRZ1 ? RSI1ResistanceZoneHigh : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Resistance Zone - 1 - High", color=RSI1_ResZoneColor, transp=1)
RSI1RZLow = plot(ShowRZ1 ? RSI1ResistanceZoneLow : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Resistance Zone - 1 - Low", transp=100)
fill(RSI1RZHigh, RSI1RZLow, color=RSI1_ResZoneColor, title="Support Zone - 1 - Fill")
RSI1SZHigh = plot(ShowSZ1 ? RSI1SupportZoneHigh : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Support Zone - 1 - High", transp=100)
RSI1SZLow = plot(ShowSZ1 ? RSI1SupportZoneLow : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Support Zone - 1 - Low", transp=100)
fill(RSI1SZHigh, RSI1SZLow, color=RSI1_SupZoneColor, title="Support Zone - 1 - Fill")
PlotRSI1rH = plot(ShowSD1 ? RSI1rH : na, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Supply Demand - 1 - High")
PlotRSI1rL = plot(ShowSD1 ? RSI1rL : na, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Supply Demand - 1 - Low")
fill(PlotRSI1rH, PlotRSI1rL, color=RSI1SDColor, title="Supply Demand - 1 - Fill")
PriceInRSI1SDZone = (close <= RSI1rH) and (close >= RSI1rL) and (RSI1rH == RSI1rH[1])
PriceEntersRSI1SDZone = (PriceInRSI1SDZone and not PriceInRSI1SDZone[1])
alertcondition(PriceEntersRSI1SDZone, title='Alert - Price Enters S/D Zone 1', message='Price Enters S/D Zone 1 - RSI S/D')
ShowSD2 = input(true, "Supply Demand Zone", group = "Supply Demand 2", inline = "Supply Demand 2")
ShowSZ2 = input(false, "Support Zone", group = "Supply Demand 2", inline = "Supply Demand 2")
ShowRZ2 = input(false, "Resistance Zone", group = "Supply Demand 2", inline = "Supply Demand 2")
RSI2Length = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI 2 Length", group="Supply Demand 2")
RSI2OBOSIn = input(defval="70 / 30", title="OB / OS", options=["70 / 30", "75 / 25", "80 / 20", "85 / 15", "90 / 10", "95 / 5"], group="Supply Demand 2")
NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI2 = input(3, title="Confirmation Bars", group="Supply Demand 2")
RSI2SDColorIn = input(, 85), "Fill Colors - Supply Demand", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 2", inline = "Fill 2")
RSI2SupportColorIn = input(, 92), "Support", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 2", inline = "Fill 2")
RSI2ResistanceColorIn = input(, 92), "Resistance", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 2", inline = "Fill 2")
RSI2 = rsi(close, RSI2Length)
RSI2OB = RSI2OBOSIn == "70 / 30" ? 70 :
RSI2OBOSIn == "75 / 25" ? 75 : RSI2OBOSIn == "80 / 20" ? 80 :
RSI2OBOSIn == "90 / 10" ? 90 : RSI2OBOSIn == "95 / 5" ? 95 : 100
RSI2OS = RSI2OBOSIn == "70 / 30" ? 30 :
RSI2OBOSIn == "75 / 25" ? 25 : RSI2OBOSIn == "80 / 20" ? 20 :
RSI2OBOSIn == "90 / 10" ? 10 : RSI2OBOSIn == "95 / 5" ? 5 : 0
RSI2incrementer_up = RSI2 > RSI2OB ? 1 : 0
RSI2incrementer_down = RSI2 < RSI2OS ? 1 : 0
RSI2incrementer_both = RSI2 > RSI2OB or RSI2 < RSI2OS ? 1 : 0
RSI2rsx = 0
if RSI2incrementer_both
RSI2rsx := nz(RSI2rsx[1], 0) + RSI2incrementer_both
RSI2rsx = 0
RSI2rxH = if RSI2rsx >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI2
RSI2x = high
RSI2rxL = if RSI2rsx >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI2
RSI2y = low
RSI2rH = fixnan(RSI2rxH)
RSI2rL = fixnan(RSI2rxL)
RSI2rsu = 0
if RSI2incrementer_up
RSI2rsu := nz(RSI2rsu[1], 0) + RSI2incrementer_up
RSI2rsu = 0
RSI2rssH = if RSI2rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI2
RSI2x = high
RSI2rssL = if RSI2rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI2
RSI2y = low
RSI2ResistanceZoneHigh = fixnan(RSI2rssH)
RSI2ResistanceZoneLow = fixnan(RSI2rssL)
RSI2rsd = 0
if RSI2incrementer_down
RSI2rsd := nz(RSI2rsd[1], 0) + RSI2incrementer_down
RSI2rsd = 0
RSI2rsrH = if RSI2rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI2
RSI2x = high
RSI2rsrL = if RSI2rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI2
RSI2y = low
RSI2SupportZoneHigh = fixnan(RSI2rsrH)
RSI2SupportZoneLow = fixnan(RSI2rsrL)
RSI2_ResZoneColor = RSI2ResistanceZoneHigh != RSI2ResistanceZoneHigh[1] ? na : RSI2ResistanceColorIn
RSI2_SupZoneColor = RSI2SupportZoneLow != RSI2SupportZoneLow[1] ? na : RSI2SupportColorIn
RSI2SDColor = RSI2rH != RSI2rH[1]? na : RSI2SDColorIn
RSI2RZHigh = plot(ShowRZ2 ? RSI2ResistanceZoneHigh : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Resistance Zone - 2 - High", transp=100)
RSI2RZLow = plot(ShowRZ2 ? RSI2ResistanceZoneLow : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Resistance Zone - 2 - Low", transp=100)
fill(RSI2RZHigh, RSI2RZLow, color=RSI2_ResZoneColor, title="Support Zone - 2 - Fill")
RSI2SZHigh = plot(ShowSZ2 ? RSI2SupportZoneHigh : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Support Zone - 2 - High", transp=100)
RSI2SZLow = plot(ShowSZ2 ? RSI2SupportZoneLow : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Support Zone - 2 - Low", transp=100)
fill(RSI2SZHigh, RSI2SZLow, color=RSI2_SupZoneColor, title="Support Zone - 2 - Fill")
PlotRSI2rH = plot(ShowSD2 ? RSI2rH : na, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Supply Demand - 2 - High")
PlotRSI2rL = plot(ShowSD2 ? RSI2rL : na, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Supply Demand - 2 - Low")
fill(PlotRSI2rH, PlotRSI2rL, color=RSI2SDColor, title="Supply Demand - 2 - Fill")
PriceInRSI2SDZone = (close <= RSI2rH) and (close >= RSI2rL) and (RSI2rH == RSI2rH[1])
PriceEntersRSI2SDZone = (PriceInRSI2SDZone and not PriceInRSI2SDZone[1])
alertcondition(PriceEntersRSI2SDZone, title='Alert - Price Enters S/D Zone 2', message='Price Enters S/D Zone 2 - RSI S/D')
ShowSD3 = input(false, "Supply Demand Zone", group = "Supply Demand 3", inline = "Supply Demand 3")
ShowSZ3 = input(false, "Support Zone", group = "Supply Demand 3", inline = "Supply Demand 3")
ShowRZ3 = input(false, "Resistance Zone", group = "Supply Demand 3", inline = "Supply Demand 3")
RSI3Length = input(21, minval=1, title="RSI 3 Length", group="Supply Demand 3")
RSI3OBOSIn = input(defval="70 / 30", title="OB / OS", options=["70 / 30", "75 / 25", "80 / 20", "85 / 15", "90 / 10", "95 / 5"], group="Supply Demand 3")
NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI3 = input(3, title="Confirmation Bars", group="Supply Demand 3")
RSI3SDColorIn = input(, 85), "Fill Colors - Supply Demand", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 3", inline = "Fill 3")
RSI3SupportColorIn = input(, 92), "Support", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 3", inline = "Fill 3")
RSI3ResistanceColorIn = input(, 92), "Resistance", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 3", inline = "Fill 3")
RSI3 = rsi(close, RSI3Length)
RSI3OB = RSI3OBOSIn == "70 / 30" ? 70 :
RSI3OBOSIn == "75 / 25" ? 75 : RSI3OBOSIn == "80 / 20" ? 80 :
RSI3OBOSIn == "90 / 10" ? 90 : RSI3OBOSIn == "95 / 5" ? 95 : 100
RSI3OS = RSI3OBOSIn == "70 / 30" ? 30 :
RSI3OBOSIn == "75 / 25" ? 25 : RSI3OBOSIn == "80 / 20" ? 20 :
RSI3OBOSIn == "90 / 10" ? 10 : RSI3OBOSIn == "95 / 5" ? 5 : 0
RSI3incrementer_up = RSI3 > RSI3OB ? 1 : 0
RSI3incrementer_down = RSI3 < RSI3OS ? 1 : 0
RSI3incrementer_both = RSI3 > RSI3OB or RSI3 < RSI3OS ? 1 : 0
RSI3rsx = 0
if RSI3incrementer_both
RSI3rsx := nz(RSI3rsx[1], 0) + RSI3incrementer_both
RSI3rsx = 0
RSI3rxH = if RSI3rsx >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI3
RSI3x = high
RSI3rxL = if RSI3rsx >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI3
RSI3y = low
RSI3rH = fixnan(RSI3rxH)
RSI3rL = fixnan(RSI3rxL)
RSI3rsu = 0
if RSI3incrementer_up
RSI3rsu := nz(RSI3rsu[1], 0) + RSI3incrementer_up
RSI3rsu = 0
RSI3rssH = if RSI3rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI3
RSI3x = high
RSI3rssL = if RSI3rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI3
RSI3y = low
RSI3ResistanceZoneHigh = fixnan(RSI3rssH)
RSI3ResistanceZoneLow = fixnan(RSI3rssL)
RSI3rsd = 0
if RSI3incrementer_down
RSI3rsd := nz(RSI3rsd[1], 0) + RSI3incrementer_down
RSI3rsd = 0
RSI3rsrH = if RSI3rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI3
RSI3x = high
RSI3rsrL = if RSI3rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI3
RSI3y = low
RSI3SupportZoneHigh = fixnan(RSI3rsrH)
RSI3SupportZoneLow = fixnan(RSI3rsrL)
RSI3_ResZoneColor = RSI3ResistanceZoneHigh != RSI3ResistanceZoneHigh[1] ? na : RSI3ResistanceColorIn
RSI3_SupZoneColor = RSI3SupportZoneLow != RSI3SupportZoneLow[1] ? na : RSI3SupportColorIn
RSI3SDColor = RSI3rH != RSI3rH[1]? na : RSI3SDColorIn
RSI3RZHigh = plot(ShowRZ3 ? RSI3ResistanceZoneHigh : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Resistance Zone - 3 - High", transp=100)
RSI3RZLow = plot(ShowRZ3 ? RSI3ResistanceZoneLow : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Resistance Zone - 3 - Low", transp=100)
fill(RSI3RZHigh, RSI3RZLow, color=RSI3_ResZoneColor, title="Support Zone - 3 - Fill")
RSI3SZHigh = plot(ShowSZ3 ? RSI3SupportZoneHigh : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Support Zone - 3 - High", transp=100)
RSI3SZLow = plot(ShowSZ3 ? RSI3SupportZoneLow : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Support Zone - 3 - Low", transp=100)
fill(RSI3SZHigh, RSI3SZLow, color=RSI3_SupZoneColor, title="Support Zone - 3 - Fill")
PlotRSI3rH = plot(ShowSD3 ? RSI3rH : na, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Supply Demand - 3 - High")
PlotRSI3rL = plot(ShowSD3 ? RSI3rL : na, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Supply Demand - 3 - Low")
fill(PlotRSI3rH, PlotRSI3rL, color=RSI3SDColor, title="Supply Demand - 3 - Fill")
PriceInRSI3SDZone = (close <= RSI3rH) and (close >= RSI3rL) and (RSI3rH == RSI3rH[1])
PriceEntersRSI3SDZone = (PriceInRSI3SDZone and not PriceInRSI3SDZone[1])
alertcondition(PriceEntersRSI3SDZone, title='Alert - Price Enters S/D Zone 3', message='Price Enters S/D Zone 3 - RSI S/D')
ShowSD4 = input(false, "Supply Demand Zone", group = "Supply Demand 4", inline = "Supply Demand 4")
ShowSZ4 = input(false, "Support Zone", group = "Supply Demand 4", inline = "Supply Demand 4")
ShowRZ4 = input(false, "Resistance Zone", group = "Supply Demand 4", inline = "Supply Demand 4")
RSI4Length = input(28, minval=1, title="RSI 4 Length", group="Supply Demand 4")
RSI4OBOSIn = input(defval="70 / 30", title="OB / OS", options=["70 / 30", "75 / 25", "80 / 20", "85 / 15", "90 / 10", "95 / 5"], group="Supply Demand 4")
NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI4 = input(3, title="Confirmation Bars", group="Supply Demand 4")
RSI4SDColorIn = input(, 85), "Fill Colors - Supply Demand", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 4", inline = "Fill 4")
RSI4SupportColorIn = input(, 92), "Support", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 4", inline = "Fill 4")
RSI4ResistanceColorIn = input(, 92), "Resistance", type = input.color, group="Supply Demand 4", inline = "Fill 4")
RSI4 = rsi(close, RSI4Length)
RSI4OB = RSI4OBOSIn == "70 / 30" ? 70 :
RSI4OBOSIn == "75 / 25" ? 75 : RSI4OBOSIn == "80 / 20" ? 80 :
RSI4OBOSIn == "90 / 10" ? 90 : RSI4OBOSIn == "95 / 5" ? 95 : 100
RSI4OS = RSI4OBOSIn == "70 / 30" ? 30 :
RSI4OBOSIn == "75 / 25" ? 25 : RSI4OBOSIn == "80 / 20" ? 20 :
RSI4OBOSIn == "90 / 10" ? 10 : RSI4OBOSIn == "95 / 5" ? 5 : 0
RSI4incrementer_up = RSI4 > RSI4OB ? 1 : 0
RSI4incrementer_down = RSI4 < RSI4OS ? 1 : 0
RSI4incrementer_both = RSI4 > RSI4OB or RSI4 < RSI4OS ? 1 : 0
RSI4rsx = 0
if RSI4incrementer_both
RSI4rsx := nz(RSI4rsx[1], 0) + RSI4incrementer_both
RSI4rsx = 0
RSI4rxH = if RSI4rsx >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI4
RSI4x = high
RSI4rxL = if RSI4rsx >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI4
RSI4y = low
RSI4rH = fixnan(RSI4rxH)
RSI4rL = fixnan(RSI4rxL)
RSI4rsu = 0
if RSI4incrementer_up
RSI4rsu := nz(RSI4rsu[1], 0) + RSI4incrementer_up
RSI4rsu = 0
RSI4rssH = if RSI4rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI4
RSI4x = high
RSI4rssL = if RSI4rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI4
RSI4y = low
RSI4ResistanceZoneHigh = fixnan(RSI4rssH)
RSI4ResistanceZoneLow = fixnan(RSI4rssL)
RSI4rsd = 0
if RSI4incrementer_down
RSI4rsd := nz(RSI4rsd[1], 0) + RSI4incrementer_down
RSI4rsd = 0
RSI4rsrH = if RSI4rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI4
RSI4x = high
RSI4rsrL = if RSI4rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBarsRSI4
RSI4y = low
RSI4SupportZoneHigh = fixnan(RSI4rsrH)
RSI4SupportZoneLow = fixnan(RSI4rsrL)
RSI4_ResZoneColor = RSI4ResistanceZoneHigh != RSI4ResistanceZoneHigh[1] ? na : RSI4ResistanceColorIn
RSI4_SupZoneColor = RSI4SupportZoneLow != RSI4SupportZoneLow[1] ? na : RSI4SupportColorIn
RSI4SDColor = RSI4rH != RSI4rH[1]? na : RSI4SDColorIn
RSI4RZHigh = plot(ShowRZ4 ? RSI4ResistanceZoneHigh : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Resistance Zone - 4 - High", transp=100)
RSI4RZLow = plot(ShowRZ4 ? RSI4ResistanceZoneLow : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Resistance Zone - 4 - Low", transp=100)
fill(RSI4RZHigh, RSI4RZLow, color=RSI4_ResZoneColor, title="Support Zone - 4 - Fill")
RSI4SZHigh = plot(ShowSZ4 ? RSI4SupportZoneHigh : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Support Zone - 4 - High", transp=100)
RSI4SZLow = plot(ShowSZ4 ? RSI4SupportZoneLow : na, style=plot.style_cross, title="Support Zone - 4 - Low", transp=100)
fill(RSI4SZHigh, RSI4SZLow, color=RSI4_SupZoneColor, title="Support Zone - 4 - Fill")
PlotRSI4rH = plot(ShowSD4 ? RSI4rH : na, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Supply Demand - 4 - High")
PlotRSI4rL = plot(ShowSD4 ? RSI4rL : na, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, title="Supply Demand - 4 - Low")
fill(PlotRSI4rH, PlotRSI4rL, color=RSI4SDColor, title="Supply Demand - 4 - Fill")
PriceInRSI4SDZone = (close <= RSI4rH) and (close >= RSI4rL) and (RSI4rH == RSI4rH[1])
PriceEntersRSI4SDZone = (PriceInRSI4SDZone and not PriceInRSI4SDZone[1])
alertcondition(PriceEntersRSI4SDZone, title='Alert - Price Enters S/D Zone 4', message='Price Enters S/D Zone 4 - RSI S/D')
alertcondition(PriceEntersRSI1SDZone or PriceEntersRSI2SDZone or PriceEntersRSI3SDZone or PriceEntersRSI4SDZone, title='Alert - Price Enters Any S/D Zone', message='Price Enters Any S/D Zone - RSI S/D')
check the below.

# // Indicator for TOS
#//© shtcoinr, updated to v4 wijth additional zones and settings by Lij_MC
#study(title="RSI Supply/Demand", shorttitle="RSI S/D", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2024

input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input showSupportZone = yes;     # "Support Zone"
input showResistanceZone = yes;  # "Resistance Zone"
input rsiSource = FundamentalType.CLOSE;
input rsiLength = 14;            # "RSI Length"
input overboughtLimit = 70;
input oversoldLimit = 30;
input NumberOfConfirmationBars = 3; # "Confirmation Bars"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current, timeframe);
def src = Fundamental(rsiSource, Period = tf);

def RSI1 = RSI(Price = src, Length = rsiLength);
def RSI1incrementer_up   = if RSI1 > overboughtLimit then 1 else 0;
def RSI1incrementer_down = if RSI1 < oversoldLimit then 1 else 0;

def RSI1rsu = if RSI1incrementer_up then RSI1rsu[1] + 1 else 0;
def RSI1rssH = if RSI1rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBars then high(Period = tf) else RSI1rssH[1];
def RSI1rssL = if RSI1rsu >= NumberOfConfirmationBars then low(Period = tf) else RSI1rssL[1];
def RSI1ResistanceZoneHigh = if RSI1rssH then RSI1rssH else na;
def RSI1ResistanceZoneLow  = if RSI1rssL then RSI1rssL else na;

def RSI1rsd = if RSI1incrementer_down then RSI1rsd[1] + 1 else 0;
def RSI1rsrH = if RSI1rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBars then high(Period = tf) else RSI1rsrH[1];
def RSI1rsrL = if RSI1rsd >= NumberOfConfirmationBars then low(Period = tf) else RSI1rsrL[1];
def RSI1SupportZoneHigh = if RSI1rsrH then RSI1rsrH else na;
def RSI1SupportZoneLow  = if RSI1rsrL then RSI1rsrL else na;

def ResZone = if RSI1ResistanceZoneHigh !=  RSI1ResistanceZoneHigh[1] then  0 else ResZone[1] + 1;
def SupZone = if RSI1SupportZoneLow     !=  RSI1SupportZoneLow[1]     then  0 else SupZone[1] + 1;

plot RSI1RZHigh = if showResistanceZone and ResZone then RSI1ResistanceZoneHigh else na;
plot RSI1RZLow  = if showResistanceZone and ResZone then RSI1ResistanceZoneLow  else na;
plot RSI1SZHigh = if showSupportZone and SupZone then RSI1SupportZoneHigh else na;
plot RSI1SZLow  = if showSupportZone and SupZone then RSI1SupportZoneLow  else na;
def colRes = if low(Period = tf) > RSI1RZHigh then 1 else if high(Period = tf) < RSI1RZLow then -1 else colRes[1];
def colSup = if high(Period = tf) < RSI1SZLow then -1 else if low(Period = tf) > RSI1SZLow then 1 else colSup[1];
RSI1RZHigh.AssignValueColor(if colRes>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
RSI1RZLow.AssignValueColor(if colRes>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
RSI1SZHigh.AssignValueColor(if colSup<0 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);
RSI1SZLow.AssignValueColor(if colSup<0 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

AddCloud(RSI1RZHigh, RSI1RZLow, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(RSI1SZHigh, RSI1SZLow, Color.DARK_GREEN);

#-- END of CODE

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