Hello, I am a registered broker with schwab and work the graveyard shift. I frequently get asked questions from clients to quote the volume in the premarket and after hours sessions and my thinkorswim cannot do this by default. I have thinkscript code that i wrote that calculates the Day change after hours and pre market but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the volume to aggregate for each entire session..
My main goals for the script
1) It should only be a label, no plotting needed
2) It should not show the label if the aggregation period is not set to 1m
3) It should be visible no matter what time of my shift it is. So it should work for after hours and premarket. and i would like to be able to see the previous day after hours data after the premarket has begun for the next day.
Basically anytime a client could call in in the middle of the night or early morning and ask me what is the volume in the after hours or pre market, i need to be able to answer immediately without going to nasdaq website.
My main goals for the script
1) It should only be a label, no plotting needed
2) It should not show the label if the aggregation period is not set to 1m
3) It should be visible no matter what time of my shift it is. So it should work for after hours and premarket. and i would like to be able to see the previous day after hours data after the premarket has begun for the next day.
Basically anytime a client could call in in the middle of the night or early morning and ask me what is the volume in the after hours or pre market, i need to be able to answer immediately without going to nasdaq website.