Below is a script for scans that I've cobbled together. It's almost functioning like I want, but ideally what I want to filter down to are candlesticks who have minimal wicks. The script in its current form successfully finds long candles but they may have extreme wicks which isn't what I want.
The idea behind this script is that it's looking for breakout candlesticks where the prior defined length of candlesticks is small in comparison to the breakout candle. Please let me know if there already exists a script that accomplishes this, but I've yet to find one.
EDIT: Additionally, can someone explain why the "inputs" don't appear to work in Scans? The UI doesn't generate any dropdowns or entry boxes.
The idea behind this script is that it's looking for breakout candlesticks where the prior defined length of candlesticks is small in comparison to the breakout candle. Please let me know if there already exists a script that accomplishes this, but I've yet to find one.
EDIT: Additionally, can someone explain why the "inputs" don't appear to work in Scans? The UI doesn't generate any dropdowns or entry boxes.
input price = close;
input length = 21;
input ThresholdMult = 3;
def AverageOverRange = SimpleMovingAvg((high[1] - low[1]), length);
def CurrentRange = high - low;
def ErrMargin = 0.25 * Average(BodyHeight(), length);
def IsMaruBlack = IsLongBlack(length);
plot condition = (CurrentRange >=(AverageOverRange * ThresholdMult)) and IsMaruBlack;